Which countries have a works council?

Which countries have a works council?

Works councils exist with different names in a variety of related forms in a number of European countries, including Britain (joint consultative committee or employees’ council); Germany and Austria (Betriebsrat); Luxembourg (comité mixte, délégation du personnel); the Netherlands (Dienstcommissie, Ondernemingsraad) …

What is the role of the works council?

The works council has three options: (i) support the proposed decision; (ii) reject the proposed decision; (iii) support the proposed decision, if certain conditions posed by the works council are met. If the works council supports the proposed decision, it can be immediately taken by the company.

What rights do works council have?

The works council has rights, such as: the right to prior consultation if decisions or measures that will majorly impact your employees are taken. the right of consent in the event of changes regarding terms of employment (such as working times or employment conditions)

Is works council mandatory in Germany?

It’s important to know that in most foreign countries, “at will” employment doesn’t exist. In fact, German employers are generally required to consult with the German works council, or Betriebsrat, for all termination proceedings and severance obligations. This process makes terminating employees very difficult.

Does the UK have a works council?

Sometimes called a domestic works council. A permanent consultative body made up of management and employee representatives through which a UK-based employer can inform and consult its workforce about economic and employment-related matters.

What conditions have to be met by a business for it to have a legal obligation to operate a European Works Council?

European Works Councils can be established in multinationals operative in more than two EEA countries if they pass a certain threshold of number of employees. Currently, the company (or the group of companies) needs to employ at least 1000 employees in the EEA and at least 150 employees in two member states.

How do unions work in Germany?

Employees’ representation in Germany has a binary structure: trade unions that set the framework for working conditions, such as collective wage agreements, for whole sectors or single companies, defining wage levels and working time on the one hand – and works councils (“Betriebsräte”) that are elected by employees …

What is a Works Council under Dutch labour law?

What is a works council under Dutch labour law? In the Netherlands a works council (in Dutch ondernemingsraad) is a support structure within a business that is built to protect and promote an employee’s position in the company.

How to become an English-speaking works council in the Netherlands?

As an English-speaking works council, you need a trainer/facilitator who speaks English well, but they will also need to have a good comprehension of the Dutch Works Councils Act as well as the habits of works councils in the Netherlands. This is necessary because an English-speaking works council must be able to do its work according to Dutch law.

What is the work culture like in the Netherlands?

Most companies in the Netherlands are originally Dutch. So, everything within the company is in Dutch: the official documents, the meetings, the internal memos. This means that the works councils also operate in Dutch. As said, a non-Dutch employee is electable after a minimum of one year employment at the Dutch company.

What is a Works Council and what does it do?

The works council is made up of employees, who get involved with decisions about the running of the company. It promotes and protects the interests of the employees in the company. The works council has rights, such as:



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