What is novolac coating?

What is novolac coating?

Five Star® Epoxy Novolac Coating is a two-component, 100% solids, highly chemical resistant epoxy coating for horizontal and vertical applications effective on both steel and concrete. It has excellent adhesion, a rapid drying time and will bond to concrete. Contains no volatile organic compounds (VOCs).

What is the difference between resol and novolac?

Novolac and resole are the products of phenol and formaldehyde, and are known as phenolic resins. The differences between novolac and resole are as follows: Novolac is produced using excess phenol and an acid or metal salt catalyst, whereas resole is produced using excess formaldehyde and a basic catalyst.

What is a phenolic coating?

Phenolic coatings offer consistent high-quality corrosion protection for a wide range of applications including immersion service for most acids, solvents, and salts. This epoxy phenolic coating is chemical resistant and typically used where low pH environments and higher temperatures are factors.

What is epoxy novolac resin?

An epoxy phenol novolac (EPN) is an epoxy resin where the epoxide functional group is attached to the phenolic oxygen of a phenolic novolac. When cured to make an epoxy coating or adhesive, the multi-functionality allows for a high degree of cross-linking, leading to high resistances.

What is novalac formula?

Novalac AC Infant Formula with Iron 800g is specially made with iron and contains a blend of carbohydrates and essential vitamins and minerals. Made for infants from birth to 12 months old.

Is novolac a condensation polymer?

We know that Novolac is an example of linear condensation polymer. Novolac is prepared by the reaction of phenol and the formaldehyde. These two molecules react in the presence of either a base or an acid catalyst.

Is novolac an acid base catalyst?

Novolac Resins. An acidic catalyst and a molar excess of phenol to formaldehyde are conditions used to make novolac resins. The following simplified chemistry illustrates the wide range of polymers possible. The initial reaction is between methylene glycol and phenol.

What is resole resin?

Resoles are referred to as “one step” resins as they cure without a cross linker unlike novolacs, a “two step” resin. Resoles are major polymeric resin materials widely used for gluing and bonding building materials.

What is Blygold coating?

The Blygold PoluAl XT coating is polyurethane impregnated with Aluminium. It seals off the dissimilar materials of the evaporator coil (copper tubes and Aluminium fins) from the atmosphere to prevent product failure and unnecessary energy consumption which can be caused by corrosion.

What is difference between novolac and Bakelite?

A linear product of Phenol formaldehyde polymer is Novolac, used in paints. Novolac on heating with formaldehyde undergoes cross linking to form an infusible solid mass called bakelite. It is used for making combs, phonograph records, electrical switches and handles of various utensils.

What is novolac vinyl ester resin?

VE resins are a combination of both polyester resin and epoxy resins best properties. Novolac vinyl ester resins are one of the resins which provide excellent chemical resistance. It has high thermal resistance and good mechanical properties and chemical resistance even at high temperatures.

What is 633 novolac coating?

Product #633 Novolac Epoxy Chemical Resistant Epoxy Coating is a 100% solids epoxy Novolac coating ideal for harsh chemical and solvent resistant applications. Product #633 is used in secondary containment, solvent storage, pump pads, trenches, and other high exposure areas.

What is five star novolac coating?

Five Star® Epoxy Novolac Coating is a two-component, 100% solids, highly chemical resistant epoxy coating for horizontal and vertical applications effective on both steel and concrete. Five Star® Epoxy Novolac Primer is a two-component, highly chemical resistant, penetrating epoxy primer/sealer for use over green or new concrete (7+ days).

What are epoxy novolac resins used for?

Epoxy novolac resins are broadly utilized as primary epoxy resins or as modifiers in multi-resin systems. High functional epoxy resins are preferred for high-performance: Coatings. Containment systems. Composites. Structural adhesives. Electrical laminating and electronics.

What is the difference between phenolic and novolac resin?

Phenolic technology is the foundation of our business through history for over 100 years. Phenolic Novolac resins Novolac resins are phenol-fomaldehyde thermoplastic resins obtained under acid catalist conditions that cannot react further without the addition of a cross-linking agent.


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