What is Hazel Grace last name?

What is Hazel Grace last name?

Hazel Grace Lancaster
Hazel Grace Lancaster was born on September 29th 1996. She is age sixteen, is an only child and is the daughter to Mr. Lancaster and Mrs….

Hazel Grace Lancaster
Born September 29th, 1996
Home Indiana, U.S.A.
Occupation Student
Relatives Mrs. Lancaster (mother) Mr. Lancaster (father)

How old is Hazel in fault?

Hazel Grace Lancaster The novel’s narrator and 16-year-old protagonist. An astute and remarkably conscientious girl, Hazel was diagnosed at age thirteen with a terminal form of thyroid cancer that has since spread to her lungs.

What does Augustus Waters suffer from?

2. Ansel Elgort’s Augustus Waters had a type of bone cancer called osteosarcoma, but is in remission after having part of his leg amputated — a demanding special effect.

Why is Hazel a vegetarian?

Q: Why is Hazel a vegetarian? Well, as she says, she wants to minimize the number of deaths for which she is responsible.

What is the nickname Gus given to Hazel?

Gus is the boy his parents have always seen. In fact, Hazel only learns his nickname is “Gus” because it’s what his parents call him. But Hazel doesn’t love him any less for being Gus.

Why does August fall in love with Hazel?

August falls for Hazel immediately, and is drawn to her after she comments in support group about dying. August, like Hazel, is concerned with life and death, but his concern stems from fading into oblivion after he dies.

How do you fall in love with augustaugustus waters?

Augustus Waters : I love it when you talk medical to me. Hazel Grace Lancaster : I fell in love with him the way you fall asleep: Slowly, and then all at once. Hazel Grace Lancaster : Really?

How old was August waters when he lost his leg?

Augustus Waters is a 17-year-old boy who suffered from cancer and subsequently had a leg amputation. Gus is optimistic and wants to be known widely and have people remember him when he dies.


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