Why are the waves so big at the Wedge?

Why are the waves so big at the Wedge?

The waves are a by-product of alterations to the rock jetty on the west side of the Newport Harbor entrance undertaken during the 1930s. During a south or south/southwest swell of the right size and aligned in the swell window, the Wedge can produce huge waves up to 30 feet (9.1 m) high.

Can you body board at The Wave?

We currently only allow surfboards and bodyboards in the lake during our regular surf slots.

What is a wedge wave?

The Wedge is a freak phenomenon in which incoming waves rebound off the local jetty and double in size before crashing violently onto the sand.

What causes the waves to be unusually high at the Wedge in Newport Beach?

The Wedge is known for epic and unpredictable waves, a freak of physics that creates peaks twice as high as those in neighbouring beaches when conditions are right. The best days at the Wedge originate in the Southern Hemisphere as swells created by tropical storms and typhoons.

Do people get hurt at the Wedge?

The Wedge has a harsh history of devastation. In 2009, a man died while bodysurfing big waves. In 2014, longtime Wedge rider Gene Peterson died after suffering massive injuries at the Wedge. In 2010, a pro tennis player broke his neck and was paralyzed.

What is the best time to go bodyboarding?

Without putting a finer point to it, the best time to go bodyboarding is when the waves are up. This could be at any time during the day. Weather-wise, the best time to go bodyboarding would be during the early morning hours and the cooler hours in the afternoon.

Do you need a wetsuit to bodyboard?

You don’t need to spend a fortune but you will need a board that doesn’t snap at the sight of a wave or have a picture of Barbie on it. Unless you are holidaying in the Caribbean or possess blubber befitting a whale, a wetsuit is a good idea. Shortie wetsuits are easier to put on, full lengths are warmer.

When can you surf the wedge?

If you want to see how the surf is before heading down to the end of the peninsula, check the Wedge cam to see if the big waves are rolling in. The best times of year to catch higher surf at The Wedge Newport Beach are during the summer and the fall seasons. If you come between May 1 and Oct.

How is the Wedge wave formed?

(3) Two waves collide: The refraction wave collides with a second incoming wave. This creates a wave, or wedge. This creates a wave much larger than either of the two waves. Dropping in straight off the peak of the Wedge is the most difficult entry for all surfers.

Does Newport Beach have big waves?

The Wedge Newport Beach is a hot spot for powerful and awesome surf. An area known for its shore-breaking waves, the Wedge is more a place to admire than to engage. Either way, this spot with the biggest swell in Southern California is a must see when you visit Newport Beach.


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