What is the meaning of Qardh?

What is the meaning of Qardh?

Qardh (Arabic: قرض‎), translated as loan in English, means “to cut”, because historically the lender cut off part of his or her property to give to the borrower as a loan.

What is meant by QARD Al Hasan?

An Islamic finance term, qard al-hasan refers to an interest free loan. In a qard al-hasan transaction, the borrower repays the principal amount of the loan without interest, mark-up, or a share in the business for which the loan was used.

What is mudarabah contract?

Mudarabah is a partnership where one party provides the capital while the other provides labor and both share in the profits. The party providing the capital is called the rabb-ul-mal (“silent partner”, “financier”), and the party providing labor is called the mudarib (“working partner”).

What is hibah in Islam?

According to the Islamic term, hibah refers to a contract that entails granting ownership of the property to someone else during his/her lifetime without any reprisal (Muda, 2008) outlined five requirements of hibah which include: i). an akad (contract) of granting property ownership to a specific party; ii).

What is benevolent contract?

CONTRACT or BENEVOLENCE, Civil law. One which is made for the benefit of only one of the contracting parties; such as loan for use, deposit, and mandate.

What is Murabaha in Islamic?

Murabaha is an Islamic financing structure that works as a sales contract, fixing the price of goods or items as required by a customer, inclusive of a pre-agreed profit margin.

What is the role of Mudarib?

Various credible persons carried goods and/or money for investors as the Mudarib and had to be accountable to them on returning to Makkah. In addition, a Mudarib was also liable to pay interest on the capital provided by investors if he failed to produce the returns desired by them.

How many parties are there in mudarabah?

Distribution of Profit & Loss Mudarabah can be terminated any time by either of the two parties by giving notice.

Can hibah be revoked?

If the possession of the gift has not yet been made over to donee, the donor may revoke it. If the donor, after making gift but before, delivery of its possession, passes away, the gift should be included in his legacy and the donee has no right in it.

Apa yang berasal dari dana qardh?

Dananya biasa berasal dari dana zakat, infaq, dan sadaqah yang dihimpun dari aghniya’ atau dari sebagian keuntungan bank. Barang/utang (Mauqud ‘Alaih). Barang yang digunakan sebagai obyek dalam qardh harus dapat diakad salam.

Apa yang berasal dari Akad qard?

Berikut beberapa pengertian Akad Qard: Qardh secara etimologi adalah Al-Qat’u yang memiliki pengertian potongan, yang dalam konteks akad Qardh berarti potongan yang berasal dari harta orang yang memberikan uang. Secara istilah Qardh diartikan meminjamkan harta kepada orang lain tanda mengharapkan imbalan.

Apakah Al-Qardh merupakan lembaga sosial?

Al-Qardh merupakan perwujudan LKS yang di samping sebagai Lembaga Komersial juga sebagai Lembaga Sosial yang dapat meningkatkan perekonomian secara maksimal. Pinjaman diberikan kepada nasabah (muqtaridh) yang memerlukan.


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