What is a good score on the Y balance test?

What is a good score on the Y balance test?

Background The Y-balance test has been used clinically to assess neuromuscular control deficits and a composite score of <94% and anterior asymmetry of >4 cm have been associated with lower limb injuries in basketball athletes.

Which reach direction of the Y balance test has been found to be associated with injury?

However, it is important to remember that the YBT is only a test, and is not an assessment of the cause of the disorder. According to Plisky et al13 a greater than four centimeter difference in the anterior reach direction between the legs suggests that an athlete has 2.5 times greater risk of injury.

How do you measure leg length for Y balance test?

Lower-limb length was measured from the anterior superior iliac spine to the most distal part of the medial malleolus for each participant by using a tape measure while the participant lay in the supine position. Measurement of the limb length using tape measure has shown excellent reliability12).

What does the composite score on the Y balance test mean?

The composite score gives a snapshot of the client’s overall performance and is relative to his body. The composite score is the sum of the greatest reach in each of the three reach directions (anterior, posteromedial, posterolateral) divided by three times the limb length, and then multiplied by 100.

What does the Y balance test show?

The YBT requires the athlete to balance on one leg whilst simultaneously reaching as far as possible with the other leg in three separate directions: anterior, posterolateral, and posteromedial. Therefore, this test measures the athlete’s strength, stability and balance in various directions.

How do athletes measure balance?

Tests of Balance

  1. Flamingo Balance — stand on one leg while balancing on a beam.
  2. Stork Stand Test — stand on the toes of one leg for as long as possible with the free leg resting on the inside of the opposite knee.
  3. Standing Balance Test — stand on one leg for as long as possible.

How is Y balance test administered?

How do you conduct the Y balance test?

What is Y balance?

The Y Balance Test is a portion of the Functional Movement Systems screen used to evaluate dynamic balance and functional symmetry in order to determine a person’s risk for injury or return to sport readiness.

What is the Y balance test (YBT)?

The Y Balance Test (YBT) is a tool used to test a person’s risk for injury. It can be used for both the upper quarter and lower quarter. The YBT for the lower quarter (LQYBT) has been thoroughly researched as its protocol is based on research done on the Star Excursion Balance Test.

What is the composite score on the Y-balance test?

When using the Y-Balance test kit, the 3 reaches yield a “composite reach distance” or composite score used to predict injury. Research shows that collegiate football players with a composite score below 89% had an increased probability of injury from 37.7% to 68.1% . Therefore a cut point of 89% composite reach on the YBT was established…

How is the Y-balance used in the software?

The Y-Balance, along with the Functional Movement Screen (FMS), are used in the “Move2Perform Algorithm” software to predict the risk for injury. The components used are: Previous injury. Y-Balance test composite score based on gender, sport and competition level.

Can the Y-balance test predict injury?

When using the Y-Balance test kit, the 3 reaches yield a “composite reach distance” or composite score used to predict injury. Research shows that collegiate football players with a composite score below 89% had an increased probability of injury from 37.7% to 68.1% .


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