What does being on the National Register of historic Places mean?

What does being on the National Register of historic Places mean?

A National Register listing is an honor that signifies that your property is an important part of America’s cultural heritage and worthy of preservation. Properties listed on the National Register are automatically listed on the California Register.

Which of these terms refers to the intactness or ability of a historic property to represent its historic significance period or theme?

Integrity is the ability of a property to convey its significance.

What are the aspects of integrity?

The magnificent seven aspects of integrity

  • Honesty. This means telling the truth, being open, not taking advantage of others.
  • Respect.
  • Generating trust.
  • Pride.
  • Responsibility.
  • Keeping promises.
  • Helping others.

Why is the National Register of Historic Places important?

What are the benefits of listing my property to the National Register? National Register listings identify historically significant buildings, districts, structures, sites, and objects and document their significance. Listings can help build community pride in the history of that community and its built environment.

How do you evaluate the integrity of a property?

A property has a high level of integrity if it possesses characteristics that convey its historical significance through its setting, materials, design, location, workmanship, feeling, and association.

What is a period of significance?

Period of Significance: When evaluating a property for a period of significance, a range is used to define the importance of a property to the history, architecture, or culture of a community. The period of significance for this district is between 1920-1940.

What is a historic property under section 106?

Historic properties are any prehistoric or historic districts, sites, buildings, structures, or objects that are eligible for or already listed in the National Register of Historic Places.

Are historic properties eligible for the NRHP?

Although the NRHP is a “national” register, historic properties can be eligible because of local, State, or National significance under any of the four criteria. Under criterion A, the applicable history could be local, statewide, or National.

How is a bridge determined eligible for the NRHP?

If the agency and the SHPO agree, the bridge is determined eligible with a “consensus determination of eligibility.” If, on the other hand, the agency and the SHPO disagree, the Keeper of the NRHP, in Washington DC, makes the final decision.

What are the National Register criteria for evaluation?

To guide the selection of properties included in the National Register, the National Park Service has developed the National Register Criteria for Evaluation. These criteria are standards by which every property that is nominated to the National Register is judged.

What makes a property eligible for the National Register of Historic Places?

To be listed in the National Register of Historic Places, a property must not only be shown to be significant under the National Register criteria, but it also must have integrity.


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