What information is provided by the show interface status command?

What information is provided by the show interface status command?

The show interface command displays the status of the router’s interfaces. Among other things, this output provides the following: Interface status (up/down) Protocol status on the interface.

What is interface status?

The first line of the output indicates the working state of the interface. The first status code (known as line status) indicates that the Layer 1 is working (FastEthernet0/1 is up). Finally, the word at the end of the line indicates the working state of the interface (connected in our case).

What is the difference in the information the show interface and show ip interface commands give you?

Show interfaces gives you a detail overview of the specific interface your requesting. Show ip interface just gives you a quick summary of the layer 3 characteristics of the interface.

What does it mean if an Ethernet interface has an interface Status of up but a protocol status of down?

FastEthernet0 is up, line protocol is down: In this case, Physical layer is operational. The line protocol being down indicates a clocking or framing problem. Ethernet0 is administratively down, line protocol is down: This output indicates that a local interface has been manually shut down using the shutdown command.

What does up up mean on an interface?

Up. Up. Connect. The interface is working. Any switch interface status other than connect or up/up means that the switch will not forward or receive any frame on the specific interface.

How do I check the status of an interface in Cisco switch?

show interfaces status command. The status of an interface on a Cisco switch can be checked using the show interface TYPE exec mode command. Consider the following example: As you can see from the output above, this command gives us plenty of information about the specified interface.

How do I see all interfaces in a network?

The show interfaces status cli command shows you all interfaces. The interfaces that are “up” are in the connected state. The | include connected shows only the lines of the output that contain the word “connected”. Newer Cisco IOS contain a count parameter that can count lines which match a regex. This is not available on all IOS versions.

How to show interface on Cisco routers?

Show Interface on Cisco Routers On a Layer 3 router, the show interface command is equally important to obtain crucial information about each interface for various purposes. Let’s see three cases of the command: Router0# show ip interface brief

What is the purpose of the ‘show interfaces’ command?

The purpose is to let a script go through all routers and show a summarization count of “up” interfaces. Then your script can count them. The show interfaces status cli command shows you all interfaces.


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