What is the country profile of Egypt?

What is the country profile of Egypt?

Egypt country profile. In the 1950s President Gamal Abdul Nasser pioneered Arab nationalism and the non-aligned movement, while his successor Anwar Sadat made peace with Israel and turned back to the West. Egypt’s teeming cities – and almost all agricultural activity – are concentrated along the banks of the Nile, and on the river’s delta.

What is the country profile of Israel?

Israel country profile. The division of the former British Mandate of Palestine and the creation of the State of Israel in the years after the end of the Second World War was the culmination of the Zionist movement, whose aim was a homeland for Jews hitherto scattered all over the world.

What is the history of Israel?

A densely-populated country on the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea, Israel is the only state in the world with a majority Jewish population. It has been locked in conflict with the Palestinians and its Arab neighbours over ownership of land considered holy by many Jews, Christians and Muslims since its creation in 1948.

What is Egypt famous for?

Egypt country profile 7 January 2019 Long known for its ancient civilisation, Egypt is the largest Arab country and has played a central role in Middle Eastern politics in modern times.

When did Egypt become a country?

Modern Egypt became independent in 1922. From 1958 until 1961 Egypt was united with Syria as the United Arab Republic. The Arab Republic of Egypt (the official name) covers an area of 1 million kmĀ², this is almost twice the size of France or more than twice the size of the U.S. State of California.

What is the country profile of the United Arab Emirates?

United Arab Emirates country profile. The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is a federation of seven states that has grown from a quiet backwater to one of the Middle East’s most important economic centres. Though traditionally conservative, the UAE is one of the most liberal countries in the Gulf, with other cultures and beliefs generally tolerated.


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