How do I logout a user in ssh?

How do I logout a user in ssh?

Perhaps the most common way to log out a user connected via ssh is by using the kill or pkill commands, either targeting the specific ssh process in question, or the user account directly.

How do I kill a user session in Linux?

Kill a Unix login session remotely

  1. Identify the shell you want to kill.
  2. To show all of your running processes, enter: ps -fu username.
  3. You should see something like this: PID TT STAT TIME COMMAND 13964 v5 I 0:00 elm 13126 ue S 0:00 -bash (bash) 13133 ue R 0:00 ps x 13335 v5 S 0:00 -bash (bash)

What is the logout command in Linux?

logout command allows you to programmatically logout from your session. causes the session manager to take the requested action immediately.

How use Pkill command in Linux?

Another way to send a signal is to run pkill followed by the signal name or number prefixed by a hyphen ( – ). Use the kill -l command to list all available signals….Signals can be specified in three different ways:

  1. using a number (e.g., -1)
  2. with the “SIG” prefix (e.g., -SIGHUP)
  3. without the “SIG” prefix (e.g., -HUP).

How do I kill a user session?

Identify the correct session and terminate the session by performing the steps below:

  1. Invoke SQL*Plus.
  2. Query V$SESSION supplying the username for the session you want to terminate: SELECT SID, SERIAL#, STATUS, SERVER.
  3. Execute the ALTER SYSTEM command to terminate the session: ALTER SYSTEM KILL SESSION ”

How do I end an SSH session?

Two ways:

  1. closing the shell session will usually exit, for example: with the shell builtin command, exit , followed by Enter , or.
  2. in the case where you have a bad connection and the shell is unresponsive, hit the Enter key, then type ~. and ssh should immediately close and return you to your command prompt.

How do I get out of root user?

Just type exit and you will leave the root shell and get a shell of your previous user.

How to kick users from SSH session in Linux?

First, check the list of logged-in users to your Linux server. There are various ways to do that. I’ll use the who command with option -u. This option displays the process ID of the login shell session of the users. Now imagine that I want to kick use prakash from the SSH session.

How do I kick a user from the user shell?

When you are ready to kick the user, send the SIGHUP to the users shell process. A SIGHUP signal is the same signal the process would receive when the controlling terminal is closed. The number at the end of the above command is the process ID of the users shell. We found the process ID using the who command above.

How do I kick a user out of a terminal?

It is basic etiquette to give the user some time to save their work and log out. When you are ready to kick the user, send the SIGHUP to the users shell process. A SIGHUP signal is the same signal the process would receive when the controlling terminal is closed. The number at the end of the above command is the process ID of the users shell.

How do I log out of SSH?

If you are logged into a remote Linux system via SSH, you just need to use the exit command to log out of SSH. That’s fine. But what if you want to log out some other user from the SSH connection?


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