What does it mean if baby is measuring big at 28 weeks?

What does it mean if baby is measuring big at 28 weeks?

Women expecting second or subsequent babies do tend to measure larger. This is probably because their tummy muscles have been stretched by previous pregnancies.

What does it mean when your baby is measuring big on ultrasound?

A larger than expected fundal height could be a sign of fetal macrosomia. Excessive amniotic fluid (polyhydramnios). Having too much amniotic fluid — the fluid that surrounds and protects a baby during pregnancy — might be a sign that your baby is larger than average.

What should baby measure at 28 weeks?

At 28 weeks, baby is the size of an eggplant. Putting on layers of fat, baby now measures about 14.8 inches from head to toe and weighs in around 2.2 pounds.

Does a bigger baby mean earlier delivery?

Most large babies who weigh more than 4.5kg do not have a difficult birth. But there are still some risks associated with having a big baby. Labour may take longer and be more likely to involve complications.

Is it bad if your baby is measuring big?

Some babies are just genetically big, and that’s OK. But, since there can be complications when babies get too large, your doctor will monitor you, your pregnancy, and your possible risk factors to help you have the healthiest pregnancy, delivery, and baby possible.

Will they induce if baby is measuring big?

Your doctor does not have to induce your labor early if you’re carrying a large baby. Early induction of labor doesn’t necessarily prevent complications or birth injuries. However, your doctor might want to get your labor started if you are a week or two past your due date.

What happens at a 28 week growth scan?

The person doing the scan (sonographer) will check your baby’s size by measuring: The circumference of your baby’s head (HC). The circumference of your baby’s tummy (AC). The length of your baby’s thigh bone (femur) (FL).

What does it mean if baby is measuring ahead?

Most of the time, there’s a harmless explanation. Maybe your due date is off by a few days or a week (it’s pretty common for doctors to change due dates). Your baby could be in a funny position or sitting high in your uterus, and that’s throwing the tape measure off.

What does it mean when your baby measuring Big?

A baby measuring big means that he or she looks to be a bit bigger than what’s considered average for the week you’re at in your pregnancy. However, this news shouldn’t cause you to worry. It doesn’t necessarily mean that you’ll give birth to a really big baby, or that there’s anything wrong with their health.

What did a sonographer see at 28 weeks pregnant?

Three weeks earlier, a sonographer had seen an abnormality in my unborn daughter’s brain. At 28 weeks gestation, her lateral ventricles were double normal size (these are important because they carry cerebral spinal fluid to her spinal cord).

What happens during an ultrasound during pregnancy?

These ultrasounds do more than just ensure your baby looks cute in your belly, they also give insight to your doctor about their health and well-being, including their growth. This is known as the fundal height, and lets your doctor know your baby’s growth rate (via What to Expect ).

How do I know what week my Baby is measuring at?

After an ultrasound, your doctor or ultrasound tech will likely let you know what week you are measuring at, and sometimes the week they tell you may not line up with the week you are at. During your third trimester, you may hear that your baby is measuring bigger than expected.


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