How do I access mongo shell?

How do I access mongo shell?

MongoDB Shell ( mongo ) The MongoDB Shell is located in the same place as the other binaries. So to run it, open a new Terminal/Command Prompt window and enter mongo (Linux/Mac) or mongo.exe (Windows). This assumes that the path has been added to your PATH.

How do I run a mongo shell script?

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  1. Simply put your mongo script into a .js file and execute.
  2. mongo < yourFile.js.
  3. Example:
  4. Now keep this file in “c:db-scripts”
  5. Then in cmd prompt go to “c:db-scripts”
  6. The above syntax will execute the code in mongo and shows the output as:

What is the command used to launch mongo shell?

Connect to MongoDB database You can start the server in CMD using the following command. Then type mongo command to run the shell. Now you are in the Mongo shell. If you want, you can run the mongo and mongod without the command prompt.

What is mongo shell?

The mongo shell is an interactive JavaScript interface to MongoDB. You can use the mongo shell to query and update data as well as perform administrative operations. The following document pertains to the mongo shell included in the MongoDB Server Download.

What is a mongo?

Mongo can be a slang term for “huge” or “extremely.” In another, unrelated sense, mongo or mong can be a slur for a “stupid” person. Mongo is also used in New York to describe items picked from the trash.

How do I open mongo Shell on Mac?

  1. Once you are assured that your MongoDb directory has all the required permissions, open the terminal application on your Mac and type the command, ~/mongodb/bin/mongod to start the Mongo Server.
  2. In another terminal window, type the command ~/mongodb/bin/mongo in order to start the Mongo Shell.

How do I start mongo shell in Windows?

To start MongoDB, run mongod.exe from the Command Prompt navigate to your MongoDB Bin folder and run mongod command, it will start MongoDB main process and The waiting for connections message in the console.

How do I start mongo shell in Linux?


  1. You can run mongo shell without any command-line options use the default settings: mongo.
  2. You can run mongo shell with various command-line options. For example: mongo –host [additional options] mongo –host –port 27017 [additional options]

How do I open mongo shell on Mac?

How do I open a mongo shell in Windows?

To open up the MongoDB shell, run the mongo command from your server prompt. By default, the mongo command opens a shell connected to a locally-installed MongoDB instance running on port 27017 . Try running the mongo command with no additional parameters: mongo.

Is Mongo a name?

The name Mongo is a boy’s name of Yoruba origin meaning “famous”. Associated with famed percussionist Mongo Santamaria, but it’s too close to the word mongrel to ever have widespread success in this country.

Why is it called mongo pushing?

It is likely this term started as an insult toward those riders. It could also have its origins in Mongol, because the quick successive pushes often associated with mongo pushing makes you look like a Mongolian riding a horse.

How to query MongoDB?

Prerequisites. A server with a regular,non-root user with sudo privileges and a firewall configured with UFW.

  • Preparing the Sample Database. To explain how to create queries in MongoDB — including how to filter documents with multiple fields,nested documents,and arrays — this
  • Querying Individual Fields.
  • Using Multiple Conditions.
  • Which is the best MongoDB GUI?


  • Studio 3T.
  • Mongo Management Studio (MMS) Mongo Management Studio is a very nice and effective GUI tool for MongoDB.
  • NoSQL Manager.
  • Nosqlclient (formerly MongoClient) Nosqlclient is the effective MongoDB GUI tool for management of various operations.
  • Navicat for MongoDB.
  • How to clear console in MongoDB?

    To clear console in MongoDB, you can use any of the following two syntaxes. The first syntax is as follows, which is the usage of keyboard shortcut − After pressing the above key, you can clear console in MongoDB. To understand the above syntaxes, let us implement them one by one. Here is the snapshot of my console.

    Does MongoDB cache query result?

    Yes. MongoDB keeps most recently used data in RAM. If you have created indexes for your queries and your working data set fits in RAM, MongoDB serves all queries from memory. MongoDB does not cache the query results in order to return the cached results for identical queries.


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