What is happening in this scene The Cask of Amontillado?

What is happening in this scene The Cask of Amontillado?

What is happening in this scene? The narrator is chaining Fortunato and trapping him in the recess. Fortunato is losing his footing and falling into the catacombs. The narrator is searching for the key to the vault.

What does the descent into the catacombs symbolize in The Cask of Amontillado?

The catacombs represent evil and death. Fortunato’s jester outfit represents foolishness. Fortunato’s name ironically represents Fortunato’s misfortune. Montresor’s family crest and motto represent Montresor’s plan to kill Fortunato and his desire for revenge.

What is the introduction of the Cask of Amontillado?

The Cask of Amontillado is a short story by Edgar Allan Poe, first published in November 1846. It is set in an unnamed city in Italy, during the carnival and tells the story of Montresor, who seeks revenge on Fortunato, a fellow nobleman who insulted him several times.

What does Montresor show do you Fortunato during their descent deeper into the catacombs?

He tricks Fortunato into accompanying him into the catacombs by saying that he would ask Luchesi to taste the Amontillado because he was concerned that Fortunato has a cold. Montresor suggests that the damp walls will make Fortunato ill.

What are the symbolic implications of the descent into the wine cellar?

The decent into the cellar or the catacombs beneath Montresor’s estate symbolically imply the decent into death for Fortunato. Dying is the winding down of life and the two wind down the halls of the catacombs to Fortunato’s final resting place.

Did Montresor confess his crime?

Monstresor is not confessing, but rather telling a story. Montresor is not confessing but writing a description of an event in his life of which he seems to be proud. The fact that he has waited fifty years to tell anyone about it only is intended to demonstrate that he has gotten away with a perfect crime.

What word best describes the mood of The Cask of Amontillado?

One word to describe “The Cask of Amontillado” is suspenseful.


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