What is LCLO?

What is LCLO?

An LCLo value is the lowest concentration of a material in air reported to have caused the death of animals or humans. This is also called the lowest concentration causing death, lowest detected lethal concentration, and lethal concentration low.

What is the difference between LC50 and LD50?

LD50 and LC50 are the parameters used to quantify the results of different tests so that they may be compared. LD50 is the abbreviation used for the dose which kills 50% of the test population. LC50 is the abbreviation used for the exposure concentration of a toxic substance lethal to half of the test animals.

What does LDLO stand for?

What Does Lethal Dose Low (LDLO) Mean? The lethal dose low is the lowest dosage of a compound that is introduced to the human body or that of an animal by any means apart from inhalation that will cause the death of the individual. The dosage may be taken in over any period of time in one or more portions.

What is LC50 in toxicology?

The concentration of a material in air which, on the basis of laboratory tests, is expected to kill 50% of a group of test animals when administered as a single exposure (usually 1 or 4 hours).

What is LC50 how is it determined?

Simple Measures of Toxicity The LD50 is defined as the lethal dose at which 50% of the population if killed in a given period of time; an LC50 is the lethal concentration required to kill 50% of the population.

What is the LD50 of ibuprofen?

Toxicological Data on Ingredients: Ibuprofen: ORAL (LD50): Acute: 636 mg/kg [Rat].

What is the LD50 for radiation in humans?

The LD50 at 30 d (LD50/30) for humans due to ionizing radiation exposure is approximately 2.5–4.5 Gy (250–450 rad). This estimate for humans varies between different sources and is primarily empiric.

What is the LC50 test?

The LC50 and LC20 tests use multiple concentrations of material diluted in laboratory water and determines the concentration of that is lethal to 50% and 20% of the test fish respectively. Parallel testing with and without pH stabilization is recommended to demonstrate the presence of ammonia toxicity.

What is the purpose of an LC50 experiment?

The LC50 is thus a statistical index which indicates the concentration of a chemical agent capable of causing death in 50% of organisms in a population with defined experimental conditions (Oga, 2003).

Why is LC50 important in toxicology?

LD50 and LC50 LD50 (Lethal Dose 50%) is a statistically derived dose at which 50% of the animals will be expected to die. For inhalation toxicity, air concentrations are used for exposure values. Thus, the LC50 (Lethal Concentration 50%) is used.

What is involved in inhalation toxicology?

Inhalation toxicology studies are performed either in vitro or in vivo to assess the potential toxicity of materials that will be/or are likely to be inhaled. As part of the experimentation, relevant cell cultures and/or animal test systems are exposed to aerosolized/vaporized test material either on single or multiple occasions.

What is an LCLo value?

An LCLo value is the lowest concentration of a material in air reported to have caused the death of animals or humans. The exposure may be acute or chronic. This is also called the lowest concentration causing death, lowest detected lethal concentration, and lethal concentration low.

What is the meaning of LC Lo?

LC Lo, Lowest Lethal Concentration. An LC Lo value is the lowest concentration of a material in air reported to have caused the death of animals or humans. The exposure may be acute or chronic. This is also called the lowest concentration causing death, lowest detected lethal concentration, and lethal concentration low.

What is low concentration of exposure?

The exposure may be acute or chronic. This is also called the lowest concentration causing death, lowest detected lethal concentration, and lethal concentration low. LC Lo is closely related to the LC 50 value which is the concentration which kills half of the test animals under controlled conditions.


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