What is Niobides krater made of?

What is Niobides krater made of?

c. 460–450 B.C.E. Clay, red-figure technique (white highlights).

Where was the Niobid krater made?

The pots made at this time were the earliest in Greek art to show narrative scenes from popular myths, particularly those about Heracles. Geometric-style krater from Attica, Greece, with funeral scenes, 8th century bce; in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City.

When was the Niobides krater made?

The Niobid Painter was an ancient Athenian vase painter in the red-figure style who was active from approximately 470 to 450 BC. He is named after a calyx krater which shows the god Apollo and his sister Artemis killing the children of Niobe, who were collectively called the Niobids.

What were Greek vases made of?

Made of terracotta (fired clay), ancient Greek pots and cups, or “vases” as they are normally called, were fashioned into a variety of shapes and sizes (see above), and very often a vessel’s form correlates with its intended function.

What is Greek severe style?

The Severe style, or Early Classical style, was the dominant idiom of Greek sculpture in the period ca. 490 to 450 BCE. It marks the breakdown of the canonical forms of archaic art and the transition to the greatly expanded vocabulary and expression of the classical moment of the late 5th century.

What are the two types of figure painting on Greek vases?

The two most popular techniques of vase decoration were the black-figure technique, so-named because the figures were painted black, and the red-figure technique, in which the figures were left the red color of the clay.

Where was the Niobid Painter found?

the Louvre
The krater is known as the Niobid Krater and is now housed at the Louvre in Paris.

What was the function of a calyx krater in Greek culture?

It is a krater, a bowl made for mixing wine and water, and specifically a calyx-krater, where the bowl resembles the calyx of a flower. Vessels such as these were often used at a symposion, which was an elite party for drinking.

What is a krater vase?

krater, also spelled crater, ancient Greek vessel used for diluting wine with water. It usually stood on a tripod in the dining room, where wine was mixed. Kraters were made of metal or pottery and were often painted or elaborately ornamented.

How were Greek ceramics made?

The Ancient Greeks made pots from clay. The Greeks used iron-rich clay, which turned red when heated in the kiln. Potters from Corinth and Athens used a special watery mixture of clay to paint their pots while the clay was still soft.

What is the high classical period?

450–400 bce) Since Roman times, Greek art of the second half of the 5th century bce has been generally regarded as the high point in the development of the Classical tradition.


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