What is the function of the bifid spinous process?

What is the function of the bifid spinous process?

Another feature unique to the cervical vertebrae is the bifid spinous process (See “physiologic variants” section), which may serve to increase surface area for muscle attachment. The spinous process of cervical vertebrae increases as the spinal column descends.

What is the main function of spinous process?

Spinous process is a bony projection off the posterior (back) of each vertebra. The spinous process protrudes where the laminae of the vertebral arch join and provides the point of attachment for muscles and ligaments of the spine.

Which spinous process has a bifid process?

Cervical vertebrae have a small body, reflecting the fact that they carry the least amount of body weight. Cervical vertebrae usually have a bifid (Y-shaped) spinous process. The spinous processes of the C3–C6 vertebrae are short, but the spine of C7 is much longer.

What are the symptoms of a fractured spinous process?

What are the signs and symptoms of a spinous process fracture?

  • Sudden, sharp, stabbing pain that may be severe or worse when you move or breathe.
  • Dull pain that continues for several days or weeks.
  • Swollen, numb, bruised, or tingling skin over the fracture area.
  • Muscle weakness.

What is the function of bifid?

Bony Structures The laminae are long, narrow, and thinner above than below. They curve posteromedially. The spinous process is short and bifid (to allow ligamentum nuchae to run through).

Do all cervical vertebrae have bifid spinous process?

This is true of all cervical vertebrae except C7, whose transverse foramina contain only accessory veins. Another feature unique to the cervical vertebrae is the bifid spinous process (See “physiologic variants” section), which may serve to increase surface area for muscle attachment.

Does c2 have a bifid spinous process?

The second cervical vertebra is the axis (Fig. The laminae of the axis are very well developed and blend into a bifid spinous process. Both transverse processes have a transverse foramen for the vertebral arteries. The superior articular facets of the axis articulate with the inferior articular facets of the atlas.

What bones does the sacrum articulate with superiorly?

The superior aspect of the sacrum, referred to as the sacral promontory, articulates superiorly with the L5 vertebral body of the lumbar spine. This arrangement forms the lumbosacral joint, which is reinforced by iliolumbar and lumbosacral ligaments.

What causes a spinous process fracture?

Isolated spinous process fractures are generally caused by high shear forces generated by contracting the trapezius and rhomboid muscles on the lower cervical and upper thoracic spinous processes during thrusting of the neck and/or shoulders [1], [2].

What is a bifid process?

Bifid spinous process – this is where the spinous process splits into two distally. Transverse foramina – holes in the transverse processes. They give passage to the vertebral artery, vein and sympathetic nerves[2]. The main role of the cervical spine is to support and promote the movement of the head and neck.


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