What is a CAF referral?

What is a CAF referral?

The Common Assessment Framework (CAF) is a tool to support early intervention. When used effectively it ensures families receive the right support at an early stage before a small need grows into a larger one. This meeting is referred to as a Team Around the Child/Family (TAC or TAF) meeting.

What is the purpose of CAF?

What is the CAF? The CAF is a shared assessment and planning framework for use across all children’s services and all local areas in England. It aims to help the early identification of children and young people’s additional needs and promote co-ordinated service provision to meet them.

What is the common assessment framework NHS?

The Common Assessment Framework (CAF) is an assessment and planning tool, common across agencies, to ensure children and their families are supported effectively. CAF can be used for: concerns about how well a child is progressing (e.g. health, welfare, behaviour, progress in learning)

What does common assessment mean?

Common assessments refers to “assessments given by teacher teams who teach the same content or grade level” (Bailey & Jakicic, p. Common assessments and shared data can be used to determine whether students are learning the district determined curriculum.

Why was the common assessment framework introduced?

PURPOSE OF THE COMMON ASSESSMENT FRAMEWORK The proposal for a Common Assessment Framework (CAF) arose from concerns that the existing arrangements for identifying and responding to the needs of children who are not achieving the five outcomes identified in Every Child Matters do not work as effectively as they might.

How do you use the Common assessment Framework?

Common assessment framework

  1. step 1 – identify needs early.
  2. step 2 – assess those needs.
  3. step 3 – deliver integrated services using integrated processes such as ‘Team around the child’ and ‘Lead professional’
  4. step 4 – review progress.

What is the common assessment framework in health and social care?

The common assessment framework (CAF) is a standardised approach for the assessment of children and their families, to facilitate the early identification of additional needs and to promote a coordinated service response.

Should you use the CAF if you are concerned a child may be at risk of suffering harm?

1.3 The CAF is not for when you are concerned that a child may have been harmed or may be at risk of harm. In those circumstances you must follow the procedures established by your local safeguarding children board (LSCB) immediately.

What are examples of common assessments?

Common core curricula expect students to take in and synthesize information as well as support the conclusions they draw from the information they read, according to “Scholastic Teachers.” Examples of common assessments in English language arts include the ability to take a poorly written paragraph or passage and …

What is the purpose of the common assessment framework?

The Common Assessment Framework A framework to help practitioners working with children, young people and families to assess children and young people’s additional needs for earlier, and more effective services, and develop a common understanding of those needs and how to work together to meet them. ii.

What is the CAF Assessment Tool?

1.1 The Common Assessment Framework for children and young people (CAF) is a shared assessment tool used across agencies in England. It can help practitioners develop a shared understanding of a child’s needs, so they can be met more effectively. It will avoid children and families having to tell and re-tell their story.

Can a CAF be used to make a referral?

The findings from the Common Assessment may give rise to concerns about the child’s safety and welfare. In these circumstances, it should be used to support a Referral to Children’s Social Care: however undertaking a CAF is not a pre-requisite for making a referral.

What are the four stages of a common assessment?

There are four main stages in completing a common assessment: identifying needs early, assessing those needs, delivering integrated services and reviewing progress. 9 Executive summary: the CAF at a glance The Common Assessment Framework for children and young people


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