What is Scholink?

What is Scholink?

The term “Scholink” means we link scholars all around the world together for the purpose of exchanging their academic viewpoints.

Is SciVision Pub reputable?

SciVision Publishing Group is a comprehensive platform for complete open access journals, providing unbiased access to scientific content across the globe. All the journals are supported by eminent experts in the corresponding areas who provide quality and constructive peer review.

Is Crimson publishers predatory?

Yes, these are predatory journals. I have received lists of predatory journals and list of predatory publishers thankfully from our colleagues. Indeed, Crimson publishers is not recommendable at all.

What is the difference between reputable and predatory journals?

Reputable journals will uphold the 4 principles listed under Q2, and they will be extremely clear about any APCs or other fees associated with publication. Predatory journals pervert these principles, often providing falsified information about the readership, importance, and oversight of the journal.

What is the abbreviation for advanced scholars journals?

Advanced Scholars Journals Advanced Science and Engineering Technology Institute (ASET) Advanced Science Research Journals Advanced Technology & Science (ATScience) Advancement and Development in Technology International (Aditi) Advancements in Science

What is elsr journal?

Education, Language and Sociology Research (ELSR) is an international open-access journal published by Scholink. The journal aims to provide a high-level platform for scholars and researchers all over the world to share latest findings and views in the field of Education, Language and Sociology Research.

What is SSSR journal?

Studies in Social Science Research (SSSR) is an international, peer-reviewed, open-access journal published by the Scholink. It aims to promote excellence through dissemination of high-quality research findings, specialist knowledge, and discussion of professional issues that reflect the diversity of this field.

What are the best scientific journals for engineering students?

American Society of Science and Engineering American V-King Scientific Publishing Amoghsiddhi Education Society/AES/AES Journals in Engineering Technology, Management, and Sciences/AES E-JOURNALS Amoghsiddhi Education Society/AES/AES Journals in Engineering Technology, Management, and Sciences/AES E-JOURNALS [alt] Andrew John Publishing Inc.


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