How can parents support gifted students?

How can parents support gifted students?

Give your child exposure to many different skills and activities that may uncover talent and passion in the child. Give your child the freedom and opportunity to make choices regarding clubs, activities, and extra-curriculars. Give your child enough down time to process, read for fun, vegetate, and let ideas simmer.

What do you want your child to gain from participation in the gifted program?

In a gifted program, students find peers with similar intellectual pursuits and may fit in better than in a general education classroom. As a result, they feel more comfortable socializing and may find it easier to make friends.

How do you handle a gifted child with discipline?

Gifted children appreciate logic, even if they don’t agree with the outcome. Enlist the strength of their logical thinking to help them understand the rationale behind decisions. Of course, this does not mean debating for hours; instead, point out your reasoning, let them respond, and then insist that they move on.

Are Gifted students considered special needs?

On its own, giftedness is not defined as a disability or special need. Some gifted students do have special needs (known as “twice exceptional” or “2e”), but most don’t.

What challenges do gifted and talented students face?

9 Challenges Facing Gifted Children (and How You Can Help!)

  • Self-Esteem Issues.
  • Guilt.
  • Perfectionism.
  • Control Issues.
  • Unrealistic Expectations.
  • Impatience.
  • Friendship Issues.
  • Attention and Organization Issues.

Why is my gifted child so angry?

In my experience, anger in gifted children is often fueled by anxiety, a common byproduct of various overexcitabilities. And if anxiety triggers a fight-or-flight response, some gifted children are going to fight.

Is gifted an IEP?

A gifted student’s identified educational needs must be met through a plan called the Gifted IEP. It is designed to provide a meaningful educational benefit. An individualized educational plan must be developed to address unique educational needs to provide a FAPE – Free, Appropriate Public Education.

How do you challenge a gifted child?

10 Ways to Challenge Gifted Students in the Classroom

  1. Spark Interests. This might be the most important.
  2. Group Gifted Students Together. Small groups emphasize collaborative learning.
  3. Know Areas of Strength.
  4. Assessments.
  5. Connect to the Real-World.
  6. Set Goals.
  7. Levels of Difficulty in Lesson Plans.
  8. Use Technology.


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