What are the 7 methods of characterization?

What are the 7 methods of characterization?

Terms in this set (8)

  • Physical Description. The first method of characterization, and the most common.
  • Name Analysis.
  • Attitude/appearance.
  • Dialogue.
  • Thoughts.
  • Reactions of Others.
  • Action or Incident.
  • Physical/Emotional Setting.

What are the 2 types of characterization and their definitions?

Indirect characterization describes a character through their thoughts, actions, speech, and dialogue. Direct characterization, or explicit characterization, describes the character through their physical description, line of work, or passions and pursuits.

What is the definition of direct and indirect characterization?

Direct characterization tells the reader or viewer. Indirect characterization. The writer reveals information about a character’s personality through his/her words, actions, and thoughts, along with other characters’ responses to that character (what they say and think about him/her).

What are the 5 methods of indirect characterization?

The Five Methods of Indirect Characterization

  • Speech: What does the character say and how does he/she speak?
  • Thoughts: What is shown about the character through his/her private thoughts and feelings?
  • Effect: What effect does the character have on other people?
  • Actions: What does the character do?

What are the main two types of characterization?

Characterization is the process by which the writer reveals the personality of a character.

  • Direct Characterization tells the audience what the personality of the character is.
  • Indirect Characterization shows things that reveal the personality of a character. There.
  • What are the 5 types of indirect characterization?

    What method of characterization is most direct?

    Direct characterization, or explicit characterization, is a method of describing the character in a straightforward manner: through their physical description (i.e. blue eyes), their line of work (i.e. lawyer), and their passions and outside pursuits (i.e. voracious reader).

    What are the five different methods of indirect characterization?

    What are the 3 types of characterization?

    What’s the definition of indirect characterization?

    Indirect characterization, on the other hand, consists of the author showing the audience what kind of person a character is through the character’s thoughts, words, and deeds. This requires the audience to make inferences about why a character would say or do those things.

    What method is used in determining indirect characterization?

    Indirect characterization is a method of indicating what a character is like by revealing their personality through descriptions of their actions, speech, appearance, and interactions with other characters.

    What are four characterization techniques?

    Writers therefore use the techniques of characterization to develop and describe characters’: Motivations History and background Psychology Interests and desires Skills and talents Self-conception, quirks, and neuroses

    What are the five elements of characterization?

    An acronym, PAIRS, can help you recall the five methods of characterization: physical description, action, inner thoughts, reactions, and speech. Physical description-the character’s physical appearance is described. For example, characters might be described as tall, thin, fat, pretty, etc.

    What are the 5 parts of characterization?

    Speech. Characters’ personalities can be greatly defined by the words they say and how they say them.

  • Thoughts. Looking into the minds of characters in written stories is a privilege often given to readers.
  • Effect On Others. How do the characters affect other people?
  • Actions.
  • Looks.
  • What are the four character types?

    The Four temperament theory is a proto-psychological theory that suggests that there are four fundamental personality types: sanguine, choleric, melancholic, and phlegmatic. Most formulations include the possibility of mixtures between the types where an individual’s personality types overlap and they share two or more temperaments.


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