What is corn seed treatment?

What is corn seed treatment?

What types of corn seed treatments are available? Different seed treatments are used alone or in combination to address or prevent a number of pests, diseases and nutrient deficiencies and to enhance plant growth. These treatments include insecticide, fungicides, nematicides and plant growth regulators.

What is in LumiGen seed treatment?

The LumiGen standard package of components starts with Lumivia and Lumisure, the insecticide seed treatments that offers multiple modes of action. Lumivia is a Corteva seed-applied insecticide. Lumisure is clothianidin — known as Poncho — at the 250 rate.

How much does Pioneer seed corn cost?

Farmers in Mississippi and Iowa are paying the highest average prices for Pioneer ®, with the average price per bag coming in near $280. North Dakota farmers are getting the best average price on Pioneer ® brand seeds at around $210 per bag.

What is the red stuff on corn seed?

Corn seed treatments (chemical and common names) available to farmers. Captan is a broad-spectrum contact fungicide that has been used on corn seed since the 1950s. It is usually dyed pink and leaves a pink dust in the seed bag and planter box.

What is the red coating on sweet corn seed?

jimster. A red or pink coating indicates seed treated with fungicide to prevent rotting if it takes a long time to germinate.

How many acres will a bag of seed corn plant?

The Seed Market

Crop Price per bag Number of acres each bag will plant
Corn $89.90 3
Soybeans $15.49 1
Wheat $11.25 2/3

What is Qrome pioneer?

Pioneer® brand Qrome® products are fully equipped with dual modes of action to defend against above-ground and dual modes of action against below-ground pests. They are offered as an integrated refuge solution, and available in a number of elite genetic backgrounds to match different farming operations.

Why choose pioneer® brand corn seed?

With a powerful, proven formulation, these innovative technologies protect your Pioneer ® brand corn seed from pests, diseases and challenging soil conditions. Give your corn a healthy start and maximize your yield potential with advanced seed treatment recipes exclusive to Pioneer and other seed brands of Corteva Agriscience.

What is nematicide seed treatment for corn?

While their presence often is unknown, corn nematodes are present on many acres and have potential to rob corn farmers of yield. Lumialza™ nematicide seed treatment is a biological nematicide that shields plant roots from nematodes and works with beneficial soil organisms that improve water and nutrient absorption.

Who is the leading supplier of corn seed?

Pioneer is the leading supplier of conventional corn seed, offering industry-leading products with strong agronomic packages that have been developed using traditional plant breeding methods. High available energy (HAE) products from Pioneer fit the top goal of livestock and poultry producers: efficiently transform grain energy into meat.

What can pioneer do for You?

The most optimized balance of insect protection and agronomic performance available from Pioneer. From our seed treatment offering to digital tools and apps, Pioneer helps maximize your seed investment. Explore our complete offering to learn more.


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