What is an electrostatic treater?

What is an electrostatic treater?

Electrostatic treaters help facilitate oil/water separation by breaking emulsions by applying electrical charges. An electrical grid installed in the coalescing section with electric current produces an electrical field in the coalescing section as electric current passes through the grid.

How does a desalter work?

In the desalter, the crude oil is heated and then mixed with 5-15% volume of fresh water so that the water can dilute the dissolved salts. The oil-water mix is put into a settling tank to allow the salt-containing water to separate and be drawn off. Frequently, an electric field is used to encourage water separation.

How does an electrostatic desalter work?

In electrostatic desalting, crude oil is heated to decrease its viscosity. Clean oil, freed of contaminants, continuously rises to the top of the vessel and flows out, while the accumulated water and sediment mixture is removed from the bottom of the desalter for disposal.

How does a treater work?

Operating Principle of a Treater The emulsion enters the separator vessel, and gas is vented out the top. Any free water in the emulsion drops to the water section and dumped out the bottom to a produced water tank. Then, the emulsion is allowed to pass over the fire tubes and is heated to the required temperature.

Why is desalting done?

The purpose of a desalting system is to reduce the salt content of the treated oil to acceptable levels. When the salinity of the produced brine is not too high, merely ensuring that there is a low fraction of water in the oil can reduce salt content.

How do electelectrostatic treaters work?

Electrostatic treaters help facilitate oil/water separation by breaking emulsions by applying electrical charges. An electrical grid installed in the coalescing section with electric current produces an electrical field in the coalescing section as electric current passes through the grid.

What is a horizontal heater treater?

The Horizontal Heater Treater utilizes heat and mechanical separation enhancement devices, such as plate packs, baffles and electrostatic grids. The Horizontal Treater is designed to efficiently treat large capacities of crude oil by removing water and emulsion from the wellstream, preparing the treated oil for delivery.

What is a heater treater in oil and gas?

A heater treater in oil and gas is a 3-phase separator vessel that utilizes heat and mechanical separation devices to facilitate the separation of oil-water emulsions before transporting the dry oil through pipelines. In this article, we will discuss how heater treaters work, types of heater treaters, and some common applications.

What is the NATCO dual frequency electrostatic treater?

Sign up for news The NATCO DUAL FREQUENCY electrostatic treater uses both AC and DC power to provide significant process improvement, often more than 100%, over conventional AC electrostatic technologies.


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