What is Baroque design?

What is Baroque design?

The Baroque is a highly ornate and elaborate style of architecture, art and design that flourished in Europe in the 17th and first half of the 18th century. Baroque art and design addressed the viewer’s senses directly, appealing to the emotions as well as the intellect.

What are the main style characteristics of the Baroque era?

Characteristics. The Baroque style is characterized by exaggerated motion and clear detail used to produce drama, exuberance, and grandeur in sculpture, painting, architecture, literature, dance, and music.

Who practiced Baroque style?

Which artists are associated with the Baroque style? Annibale Carracci and Caravaggio were the two Italian painters who helped usher in the Baroque and whose styles represent, respectively, the classicist and realist modes.

What materials were used in Baroque architecture?

Baroque architects decided to cast wood aside and use brick and stone in the construction of new buildings. Limestone and slate were often used for the exteriors, and more noble materials, like red and gray granite, were often used for the interiors.

How is baroque architecture different from Renaissance?

Like the Renaissance, the Baroque period in architecture was marked by design rather than structural innovation. In response to the bareness of Renaissance architecture, Baroque buildings were lavishly decorated. The design elements became more emotional and dynamic, and the focus was on energy versus balance.

What is high baroque architecture?

Baroque architecture is a highly decorative and theatrical style which appeared in Italy in the early 17th century and gradually spread across Europe. Twisted columns were also often used, to give an illusion of upwards motion, and cartouches and other decorative elements occupied every available space.

What are the 8 characteristics of Baroque?

Some of the qualities most frequently associated with the Baroque are grandeur, sensuous richness, drama, dynamism, movement, tension, emotional exuberance, and a tendency to blur distinctions between the various arts.

Quel est le point culminant de l’architecture baroque?

En Angleterre, le point culminant de l’architecture baroque fut incarné par l’œuvre de Sir Christopher Wren, Sir John Vanbrugh et Nicholas Hawksmoor, de ~1660 vers ~1725. On retrouve de nombreux exemples d’architecture baroque et de plan de ville dans les autres villes d’Europe, ainsi qu’en Amérique hispanique.

Quelle est la dernière phase de l’architecture baroque en Italie?

La dernière phase de l’architecture baroque en Italie est illustrée par le Palais Caserta de Luigi Vanvitelli, réputé le plus grand bâtiment érigé en Europe au 18ème siècle.

Comment se manifeste l’architecture baroque?

Dans l’architecture baroque, l’accent est mis à la fois sur l’aspect massif et chargé, colonnades, dômes, clair-obscur, effets colorés de peinture, et le jeu chargé des volumes opposés au vide. Dans les intérieurs, le mouvement baroque se manifeste autour et à travers un savant escalier monumental sans précédent en architecture.

Quels sont les architectes baroques?

En tant que tels, les architectes baroques ont adapté les formes classiques à la fois de la Renaissance et des Romains. Par exemple, la basilique Saint-Pierre est une église baroque de la cité du Vatican qui présente des éléments inspirés de la Renaissance. Plusieurs architectes ont travaillé sur la conception du bâtiment, dont Michel-Ange.


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