What are examples of surface level diversity?

What are examples of surface level diversity?

As its name suggests, surface level of diversity can be distinguished by appearance. Examples include sex, age, race, ethnicity, etc.

What are surface level differences?

Surface-level diversity represents characteristics of individuals that are readily visible, including, but not limited to, age, body size, visible disabilities, race, or sex. Deep-level diversity includes traits that are nonobservable such as attitudes, values, and beliefs.

What is surface level diversity in organizational behavior?

Surface-level diversity includes traits that are highly visible to us and those around us, such as race, gender, and age. Researchers believe that people pay attention to surface diversity because they are assumed to be related to deep-level diversity, which includes values, beliefs, and attitudes.

What are deep-level characteristics?

Deep-level diversity includes non-observing characteristics — that is, traits that are not visible. These include attitudes, values, and religious beliefs.

What is surface level?

It means shallow, lacking depth. It could mean they think the person is shallow, but it usually refers to a relationship to something. For instance, if my friendship with someone isn’t very deep or involved, I might say we have a “surface level” relationship.

What is surface level of diversity?

Surface-level or demographic diversity refers to the extent to which a unit is heterogeneous on characteristics such as age, gender, ethnicity, functional background, and organizational tenure (Lawrence, 1997; Tsui, Egan, & Xin, 1995).

Which of the following is a surface level diversity trait?

Race, age, and attitudes are examples of surface level diversity. Deep-level diversity traits are most important for early interactions in the workplace, but as time goes on, surface traits become more important.

Why is it important to understand the difference between surface and deep-level diversity?

It’s important to distinguish between surface and deep-level diversity because the two types aren’t necessarily intertwined. When we tease apart the impact of the types of diversity that are important for key outcomes, we can start to see a more nuanced picture of diversity as a whole.

What is a surface level relationship?

When a relationship is surface-level, generally one partner will be all-in, while the other sits around giving off way-less-serious vibes. So if someone is left guessing about their partner’s commitment level, there’s a good chance it’s just a fling.

What does surface reading mean?

Briefly, the idea of surface reading is this: when examining a text or other cultural production, the important meanings are in the foreground rather than the background. And she says explicitly that surface reading is a good approach to interpreting buildings.

Why is it important to understand the difference between surface level diversity and deep level diversity?


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