What are the three elements of the Pediatric Assessment Triangle?

What are the three elements of the Pediatric Assessment Triangle?

Using the paediatric assessment triangle, the provider makes observations of three components (or ‘arms’ of the triangle): appearance, work of breathing, and circulation to the skin.

What is Paediatric triage?

The goal of paediatric ED triage is to prioritise patients rapidly and accurately based on acuity so that any critical medical needs can be met in a timely manner. Effective triage ensures that all ED patients are managed safely and assessed accurately according to their presenting condition.

Which triage system is specific to pediatric patients?

The JumpSTART pediatric triage MCI triage tool (usually shortened to JumpSTART) is a variation of the simple triage and rapid treatment (START) triage system. Both systems are used to sort patients into categories at mass casualty incidents (MCIs).

What are the six reasons for performing a pediatric assessment?


  • Absent airway, breathing or circulation.
  • Unstable Compromised airway, breathing or circulation.
  • Potentially Normal airway, breathing & circulation.
  • Unstable but significant mechanism of injury or illness.
  • Stable.
  • Normal airway, breathing & circulation.
  • No significant mechanism of injury or illness.
  • What are the Paediatric emergencies?

    Conditions discussed include paediatric respiratory emergencies, sepsis, status epilepticus, the acute abdomen in the newborn, intussusception, the bleeding tonsil, trauma and the child with burns.

    How do you do a pediatric head to toe assessment?

    The Order of a Head-to-Toe Assessment

    1. General Status. Vital signs.
    2. Head, Ears, Eyes, Nose, Throat. Observe color of lips and moistness.
    3. Neck. Palpate lymph nodes.
    4. Respiratory. Listen to lung sounds front and back.
    5. Cardiac. Palpate the carotid and temporal pulses bilaterally.
    6. Abdomen. Inspect abdomen.
    7. Pulses.
    8. Extremities.

    What are the triage categories?

    Triage categories

    • Immediate category. These casualties require immediate life-saving treatment.
    • Urgent category. These casualties require significant intervention as soon as possible.
    • Delayed category. These patients will require medical intervention, but not with any urgency.
    • Expectant category.

    Are pediatric triage systems reliable in the emergency department?

    Conclusions. Overall, the reliability of pediatric triage systems was substantial, and this level of agreement should be considered acceptable for triage in the pediatric emergency department. Further studies on the level of agreement of pediatric triage systems are needed.

    What does ABC stand for in the Pediatric Assessment Triangle?

    Critical. Absent airway, breathing or circulation. (cardiac or respiratory arrest or severe traumatic injury) Unstable Compromised airway, breathing or circulation. (unresponsive, respiratory distress, active bleeding, shock, active seizure, significant injury, shock, near-drowning, etc.)

    Do nurses prioritize patients in triage?

    Triage nurses in an emergency department make initial contact with patients coming into the hospital. Their job is to evaluate and prioritize each patient so that the most urgent cases are treated first.

    What is the triage assessment system?

    The triage assessment enables the Emergency Department staff to make an initial determination about the nature and severity of your illness or injury. The triage assessment determines the order in which you will receive a medical screening examination; the triage assessment is not the actual examination.

    What is JumpSTART triage?

    JumpSTART triage. The JumpSTART Pediatric Triage MCI Triage Tool (usually shortened to JumpSTART) is a variation of the Simple Triage and Rapid Treatment (START) triage system. Both systems are used to sort patients into categories at mass casualty incidents (MCIs).

    What is a pediatric trauma center?

    The pediatric trauma center at Nemours/Alfred I. duPont Hospital for Children is part of a statewide trauma system that allows pediatric patients in the tri-state area who require a higher level of trauma care to be transferred here.


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