What is the meaning of mesothorax?

What is the meaning of mesothorax?

Definition of mesothorax : the middle of the three segments of the thorax of an insect — see insect illustration.

What is attached to the mesothorax?

The mesothorax and metathorax are fused into a hard structure that provides a robust attachment for the wing muscles inside it (Suhling et al., 2015).

What is the metathorax used for?

The metathorax is the segment that bears the hindwings in most winged insects, though sometimes these may be reduced or modified, as in the flies (diptera), in which they are reduced to form halteres, or flightless, as in beetles (coleoptera), in which they may be completely absent even though forewings are still …

What is Mesonotum?

Definition of mesonotum : the dorsal portion of the mesothoracic integument of insects.

What is mesothorax in cockroach?

The mesothorax is the middle of the three segments in the thorax of an insect, and bears the second pair of legs. Its principal sclerites (exoskeletal plates) are the mesonotum (dorsal), the mesosternum (ventral), and the mesopleuron (lateral) on each side. All adult insects possess legs on the mesothorax.

What is Mesothorax in cockroach?

What is the function of forewing in cockroach?

The forewings are tough covers (tegmina) that protect the delicate flight wings when the insect is at rest. Insects with this wing texture include grasshoppers (Orthoptera), praying mantids (Mantodea) and cockroaches (Blattodea).

What is the function of pronotum?

The pronotum is a prominent plate-like structure that covers all or part of the thorax of some insects. The pronotum covers the dorsal surface of the thorax.

Do all insects have a pronotum?

Its principal sclerites (exoskeletal plates) are the pronotum (dorsal), the prosternum (ventral), and the propleuron (lateral) on each side. All adult insects possess legs on the prothorax, though in a few groups (e.g., the butterfly family Nymphalidae) the forelegs are greatly reduced.

What is the mesothorax of an insect?

Mesothorax. All adult insects possess legs on the mesothorax. In some groups of insects, the mesonotum is hypertrophied, such as in Diptera, Hymenoptera, and Lepidoptera ), in which the anterior portion of the mesonotum (called the mesoscutum, or simply “scutum”) forms most of the dorsal surface of the thorax.

What are the three segments of the thorax?

The thorax is comprised of three fused segments; the prothorax, mesothorax, and metathorax (Figure 2.8 ). The prothorax and metathorax are very reduced relative to the mesothorax, which has been greatly enlarged to accommodate the musculature that powers the wings.

Is the metathorax modified in the Noctuoidea?

In the largest superfamily, Noctuoidea, the metathorax is modified posteriorly into a pair of tympanal organs.

What is hypertrophied mesonotum?

In some groups of insects, the mesonotum is hypertrophied, such as in Diptera, Hymenoptera, and Lepidoptera ), in which the anterior portion of the mesonotum (called the mesoscutum, or simply “scutum”) forms most of the dorsal surface of the thorax.


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