What colors are J?

What colors are J?

Color Name Manufacturer Color Group
Jazz Jade Pentech Green
Jazzberry Jam Crayola Red
Jealous Queen Green Bic/Disney Green
Jealousy Felissimo Violet

Which Colour is the rarest?

Did you know? These are the rarest colours in the world

  1. Lapis Lazuli. Lapus Lazuli is a blue mineral so rare that in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance it was actually more valuable than gold.
  2. Quercitron.
  3. Cochineal.
  4. Dragon’s Blood.
  5. Mummy Brown.
  6. Brazilwood.
  7. Cadmium Yellow.

Are there any colors that start with Q?

Color names that start with ‘ q ‘

  • Quartz. Hex: #51484f.
  • Queen blue. Hex: #436b95.
  • Queen pink. Hex: #e8ccd7.
  • Quick Silver. Hex: #a6a6a6.
  • Quinacridone magenta. Hex: #8e3a59.

What Colour starts with E?

Welcome to ‘SUBMIT A COLOUR’ with Face Media Group

Name Hex RGB
Emberiea #ff794d rgb(255,121,77)
Emerald Green #50C878 rgb(80,200,120)
Eggplant Purple #614051 rgb(97,64,81)
Eucalyptus Leaf #218559 rgb(33,133,89)

Is there a color starting with F?

In this page, you will find mostly fluorescent colors and fire colors as many colors begin with “fluorescent” and “fire”/”flame” respectively. …

What Colour starts with R?

Welcome to ‘SUBMIT A COLOUR’ with Face Media Group

Name Hex RGB
Red #FF0000 rgb(255,0,0)
Reddest red #003aff rgb(0,58,255)
Ripple #453e31 rgb(69,62,49)
Rhys #9d76d3 rgb(157,118,211)

Is there a color with K?

Colors starting by K is also scarce. Two controversial colors, perhaps colorless, namely “kattaerthwait” and “kinatone”, are on a huge debate of what the colors of them may be. Up till now, no definite answer can be concluded. As of May 2017, there are 62 colors starting with K together.

What flowers start with J?

Flowers that begin with G include gerbera, gladiolus and gardenia. Flower names starting with the letter H include hibiscus , heather, holly and hyacinth . Iris begins with I, while jasmine and jonquil start with J, and flowers that start with K include kerria.

What colors start with J?

Color names that start with ‘ j ‘. Jade. Hex: Japanese carmine. Japanese indigo. Japanese violet. Jasmine.

What are all the colors in order?


  • Indigo
  • Blue
  • Green
  • Yellow
  • Orange
  • Red
  • author

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