How does malaria cause preterm delivery?

How does malaria cause preterm delivery?

In sub-Saharan Africa, malaria infection in pregnancy contributes to low birth weight through intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) and preterm delivery (PTD). It was hypothesized that malaria-associated PTD and IUGR have differing etiologies due to timing of infection.

What does malaria cause in pregnancy?

Malaria infection during pregnancy can have adverse effects on both mother and fetus, including maternal anemia, fetal loss, premature delivery, intrauterine growth retardation, and delivery of low birth-weight infants (<2500 g or <5.5 pounds), a risk factor for death.

How does malaria cause abortion in pregnancy?

The risk of malaria infection during pregnancy is greater and can result in maternal death and spontaneous abortion in up to 60% of cases. Low birth weight can occur even in cases of treated malaria; however, silent malaria rather rare….Malaria and Pregnancy.

Complication High Transmission Low transmission
Congenital malaria +++

Why is malaria common in Primigravida?

Primigravidae are at the highest risk of infection and adverse pregnancy outcomes because they lack immunity to ‘pregnancy-specific’ variants of Plasmodium falciparum that selectively accumulate in the placental intervillous space leading to placental malaria (malaria parasites detected in the placenta) and occult …

What is the treatment of malaria in pregnancy?

Uncomplicated malaria in pregnancy Currently, quinine and clindamycin is the recommended treatment for women in the first trimester of pregnancy31. In many places, clindamycin is unavailable, and quinine monotherapy is prescribed.

Can malaria be transmitted from mother to fetus?

Malaria may also be transmitted from a mother to her unborn infant before or during delivery (“congenital” malaria).

Why is Fansidar given in pregnancy?

Use in pregnancy (Category C). Use of Fansidar in pregnancy is justified because the benefit to the mother and fetus outweighs the risks. Pregnant women using the drug should also take folic acid supplementation.

Is Lonart DS safe in pregnancy?

Q: Can I take Lonart Ds Tab during pregnancy? A: This medicine has known to cause or suspected to cause harmful effects on the developing fetus, thus not recommended for use in pregnant women.

How do you manage a pregnant woman with malaria?


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