When can I exercise after Marsupialization?

When can I exercise after Marsupialization?

Avoid strenuous activities, such as biking, jogging, weight lifting, and aerobic exercise, for 4 to 6 weeks. You may have some blood or fluid draining from the cyst. Wear sanitary pads if needed. Do not douche.

When do we use Marsupialization with enucleation in treating odontogenic infection?

The marsupialization is a surgical technique used as the first stage or the definitive treatment for the odontogenic keratocyst (OKC). It was first described by Partsch in the late 19th century for the cystic lesions of the jaws (2,3) which treatment represents a challenge for surgeons especially in the large tumors.

Does marsupialization hurt?

Marsupialization can be done in your doctor’s office or in an outpatient facility, usually under local anesthesia. This means only the area being worked on will be numb so you don’t feel any pain.

What is Marsupialization of Ranula?

Marsupialization done by removing parts of the cyst wall and connecting it to the oral mucosa. It is a conservative procedure and recommended for children. It has advantages such as maintaining outline of oral tissue and less risk of damaging anatomic structure.

What is marsupialization of Ranula?

What is a Bartholin cyst Marsupialization?

Answer. Marsupialization involves opening the Bartholin cyst or abscess and then suturing the edges, thereby forming a permananent open pocket or pouch and allowing continued drainage.

Can marsupialization be used to treat a ranula?

Marsupialization, excision of the sublingual gland or combined excision of both the ranula and the sublingual gland have been used with variable success rates. The optimal treatment option is still very controversial. This case report presents a marsupialization technique To treat a ranula in a 8 year old boy.

What is the best treatment for a plunging ranula?

In fact, some authors suggest ranulas, both oral and plunging, are best managed by marsupialization or ranula excision, whereas others recommend removal of the ranula along with the sublingual gland. Other authors feel that removal of the submandibular gland is important in the management of the plunging ranula.

What is a ranula in the mouth?

A ranula is a mucus extravasation cyst involving a sublingual gland and is a type of mucocele found on the floor of the mouth. Ranulae present as a swelling of connective tissue consisting of collected mucin from a ruptured salivary gland caused by local trauma. A marsupialization technique was used to manage this ranula.

How does marsupialization work and does it hurt?

Marsupialization can be done in your doctor’s office or in an outpatient facility, usually under local anesthesia. This means only the area being worked on will be numb so you don’t feel any pain. In some cases, your doctor may prefer to use general anesthesia. This means you’ll be asleep during the procedure and not feel any pain.


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