What does quadrants mean in Homestuck?

What does quadrants mean in Homestuck?

The Homestuck term “Quadrants” refers to the type of romance experienced by the web comic’s main non-human species, the trolls. This is because, unlike us humans, they have four different types of romantic experiences. Their romance can be viewed as one giant square that’s divided in half vertically, and then in half again, horizontally. 2

How do you divide romance into quadrants?

Their romance can be viewed as one giant square that’s divided in half vertically, and then in half again, horizontally. Examine the Horizontal Division: Redrom And Blackrom. The first and most important division between the quadrants is between what is known as Redrom and Blackrom.

What is the flushed quadrant of romance?

Understand the Flushed Quadrant: Matespritship. The first quadrant and is the redrom concupiscent romance known as Matespritship, denoted by the symbol of the heart, <3. This quadrant is the most similar to normal human romance, as it is based off positive emotions and plays a role in reproduction.

What powers can you have in psionics?

The user can use various forms of psychic / mental abilities/powers, including telekinesis, telepathy, foresight, etc. Psionics: Possess an arsenal of psionic powers. Cosmic Psionics: Possess a cosmic-scale level psychic acumen.

What is psionics in the book psionics?

ISBN 1609252985. Psionic is a word invented in the 20th century as an umbrella term to describe human paranormal behavior. It refers to all powers of the mind—from the passive (telepathy or clairvoyance) to the active (telekinesis or pyrokinesis). Psionics is the study of all these powers.

What is the difference between cosmic psionics and Omni psionics?

Cosmic Psionics: Possess a cosmic-scale level psychic acumen. Omni-Psionics: Have a complete arsenal of all existing psychic powers. Absolute Psionics: Possess mighty psychic power. Psionic Godhood: Nigh omnipotent version of Psionics.


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