What does Antidegradation mean?

What does Antidegradation mean?

Simply put, antidegradation means that no pollutant discharges or activities will be permitted if these may cause surface waters already meeting water quality standards to drop below those standards.

What is the antidegradation policy?

antidegradation policy, which requires that existing uses are to be maintained. In such a circumstance, the planned activity must be avoided or adequate mitigation or preventive measures must be taken to ensure that the existing uses and the water quality to protect them will be maintained.

What is the purpose of an antidegradation policy?

In essence, a State or Tribe’s antidegradation policy provides a framework for weighing the pros and cons of a proposed activity that could degrade water quality and for involving the public in the decision-making (40 CFR Section 131.12 (a)). Key Point.

What is a state or tribe’s antidegradation policy?

A State or Tribe’s water quality standards must include an antidegradation policy and must specify both when the policy will be applied and what decision-making criteria will be used. A State or Tribe’s antidegradation program must include criteria specific to three categories: existing uses, high quality uses, and ONRWs.

What are the Federal antidegradation requirements for surface waters?

Federal antidegradation requirements do not create State/Tribal regulatory authority over otherwise unregulated activities. Tier 1 of the State or Tribe’s antidegradation program must protect existing uses by maintaining the water quality necessary to support those uses. Tier 1 is applicable to all surface waters.

What is the meaning of demonstrative in English?

characterized by or given to open exhibition or expression of one’s emotions, attitudes, etc., especially of love or affection: She wished her fiancé were more demonstrative. serving to demonstrate; explanatory or illustrative. serving to prove the truth of anything; indubitably conclusive.


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