What is the scientific name of Kakawate?

What is the scientific name of Kakawate?

Gliricidia sepium
Gliricidia sepium/Scientific names

Kakawate or MADRE CACAO. Scientific name: Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) Walp. ( Fabaceae) The tree is common in the southern Tagalog areas, shedding leaves around December and flowering February and March.

What is madre de cacao used for?

In many tropical and sub tropical countries, the tree is used for various purposes such as live fencing, fodder, coffee shade, firewood, green manure and rat poison. The tree can also be used for medicinal and insect repellant properties.

Is madre de cacao antiseptic?

From minor sores to very itchy skin, madre de cacao is a multipurpose herbal treatment effective against both sarcoptic and demodectic mange, its antiseptic and anti-parasitic properties makes it a miracle cure for many conditions that would otherwise eat your budget should you decide modern synthetic treatments.

What is madre cacao in English?

The common name madre de cacao (literally “mother of cacao” in Spanish) used in Central America and the Philippines is in reference to its traditional use as shade trees for cocoa tree plantations.

Can you eat Kakawate flower?

The leaves are compound The flowers of Gliricidia are edible when cooked.

Is madre de cacao good for goats?

As preparation for the pasteur, plant such grasses and plants that the goats will need, like paragrass, napier, madre de cacao (kakawate), alibangbang and ipil-ipil. Apply as fertilizer for these plants the dried goat manure so as to make them flourish.

Is madre de cacao effective?

In practical amounts, madre de cacao proves safe for use in most mammals, your dogs and a cat included, but is deadly on rodents. As a parasiticide, madre de cacao can actively rid of ticks, fleas and mites on dog’s fur without being toxic to the host.

What is the meaning of Gliricidia?

Gliricidia is a genus of flowering plants in the legume family, Fabaceae and tribe Robinieae. The genus name Gliricidia means “mouse killer” in reference to the traditional use of the toxic seeds and bark of G. sepium as rodenticides.

What is the use of kakawate leaves?

Kakawate leaves have a function to treat dermatitis and skin itching because of insect bites or allergies. You can make herbs cheap and easy with this leaf. the way is to boil the leaves or make it into juice. Then apply on the problem skin.

What does kakawawati mean?

Kakawati is a smooth, deciduous tree, 3 to 10 meters high. Leaves are 15 to 25 centimeters long with 13 leaflets which are opposite, oblong-ovate, 4 to 6 centimeters long, with a pointed tip and rounded base. Racemes are numerous on leafless branches, containing many flowers.

What is Madre de cacao kakawate?

Madre de cacao kakawate. Kakawate, madre de cacao, madre cacao, Gliricidia sepium. It is considered as green manure. Leaves are rich in nitrogen and has anti pests capabilities. It is also used as pesticides and fungicides to control different pests and even coconut scale isnects. It is also used as forage crop for ruminants like goats and cattle.

How do you make kakawate spray?

-mix 1 kilo of chopped kakawate leaves to 1 kilo of molasses. Mix thourougly ensuring that all pieces are coated. – mix 1/2 liter to 1 liter of extracted concoction into a 16 liter back pack container and spray plants once a week. – this method does not have an obnoxious odor. Instead, the sweet smell of molasses prevails.


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