Was Pong Krell a Jedi Master?

Was Pong Krell a Jedi Master?

Pong Krell was a Besalisk male Jedi Master who, during the Clone Wars, served as a Jedi General in the Grand Army of the Republic.

Is Jedi Master Krell a Sith?

No, the former Jedi Pong Krell never got to be a Sith. He did forsee the end of the Jedi Order and so decided to save himself. When he started sabotaging the efforts of the Republic, some clone soldiers stoped him and engaged him in combat.

Is Master Krell a bad guy?

Pong Krell is the main antagonist of the Umbara arc in Season 4 of the TV series Star Wars: The Clone Wars, and arguably the secondary antagonist of the entire fourth season itself. He is a very stern Besalisk male fallen Jedi Master who served as a Jedi General during the Clone Wars.

When did Krell turn to the dark side?

He answered this exact same question in Season 4, Episode 10: Carnage of Krell. His explanation was quite simple, he foresaw the fall of the Republic and the end of the Jedi order, and the rise of the dark side. As a result, he fell to the dark side in order to serve the future empire.

Who killed General Krell?

Although he single-handedly slaughtered scores of clones, eventually he was captured and detained. While restrained by stun cuffs, Krell was fatally shot in the back by Dogma, his most loyal soldier, thus ending the fallen Jedi’s life.

Why did Pong Krell go to the dark side?

His explanation was quite simple, he foresaw the fall of the Republic and the end of the Jedi order, and the rise of the dark side. As a result, he fell to the dark side in order to serve the future empire.

How did general Krell become a Jedi?

As the Jedi were called into service by the Galactic Republic, Krell joined the war effort as a Jedi General in the newly-commissioned Grand Army of the Republic, composed mainly of clone troopers grown and trained on Kamino.

Who is Pong Krell in Star Wars?

―Pong Krell [src] Pong Krell was a Besalisk male Jedi Master who, during the Clone Wars, served as a Jedi General in the Grand Army of the Republic.

Who is Krell in the Clone Wars?

He was voiced by Dave Fennoy, who also voiced Black Manta in Suicide Squad: Hell to Pay . Around the second year of the Clone Wars, Krell was present on the Confederate-aligned world Umbara, where he took over the command of the 501st Legion as an interim.

Why did Krell turn to the Sith?

However, by the time of the Battle of Umbara, Krell foresaw the end of both the Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic, and he sought to join the New Order that was to come, having secretly turned to the dark side of the Force and allying himself with the Sith.


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