How do you use mendacity in a sentence?

How do you use mendacity in a sentence?

Mendacity in a Sentence 🔉

  1. Because Melinda was known for her mendacity, she was the first suspect the police interviewed.
  2. You can always tell a con man by his mendacity and desire to trick you out of your money.
  3. Since honesty is very important to me, I was deeply offended by my ex-husband’s mendacity.

What is the opposite of mendacity?

mendacity. Antonyms: candor, frankness, honesty, ingenuousness, reality, truth, truthfulness, veracity, verity. Synonyms: deceit, deception, delusion, duplicity, error, fabrication, falsehood, falseness, falsity, fiction, guile, imposture, lie, untruth.

What does a mendacious person do?

telling lies, especially habitually; dishonest; lying; untruthful: a mendacious person.

What is the noun for mendacious?

mendacity. (uncountable) The fact or condition of being untruthful; dishonesty. (countable) A deceit, falsehood, or lie.

What is the noun form of mendacious?

mendacity. noun, plural men·dac·i·ties for 2. the quality of being mendacious; untruthfulness; tendency to lie. an instance of lying; falsehood.

Is there such a word as mendacity?

noun, plural men·dac·i·ties for 2. the quality of being mendacious; untruthfulness; tendency to lie. an instance of lying; falsehood.

Can a person be mendacious?

A mendacious person is one who tells lies habitually and intentionally. People may tell “white lies” if they forgot your birthday or really don’t like your new haircut, but if you catch someone intentionally manipulating you with a falsehood, that person is just plain mendacious.

How do you use mendacious?

Mendacious in a Sentence 🔉

  1. A product claiming to help you get ripped abs in a few hours is mendacious advertising.
  2. Instead of giving me another mendacious story, just be honest for once.
  3. Never forget the mendacious politician will say anything to get your vote, then his promises disappear like tears in the rain.

What is the root of the word mendacity?

Mendacity comes from the Latin root word mendacium, or “lie.” Don’t confuse mendacity with a similar-sounding word, audacity — which means “fearlessness, daring, or bravery.”

What is mendacious propaganda?

adjective. Not telling the truth; lying. ‘mendacious propaganda’ ‘It is an outright lie, a fabrication by a mendacious and unscrupulous writer.

How can you use Mendacity in a sentence?

And Harry had the mendacity to assure her that this was a favorite habit of mine.

  • We can imagine him pinching his favorites by the ear and dictating memorials of mendacity with the self-possession of a self-made monarch.
  • These “divine” governments rest on the fear and ignorance of the many,the cunning,the impudence and the mendacity of the few.
  • What does mendacious mean?

    mendacious (comparative more mendacious, superlative most mendacious) (of a person) Lying, untruthful or dishonest. (of a statement, etc) False or untrue.

    What is the plural of mendacity?

    The noun mendacity can be countable or uncountable. In more general, commonly used, contexts, the plural form will also be mendacity . However, in more specific contexts, the plural form can also be mendacities e.g. in reference to various types of mendacities or a collection of mendacities .


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