What are river otter dens?

What are river otter dens?

River otter dens are along the water in abandoned burrows or empty hollows. The dens have entrances underwater so they can be easily accessed from the water.

What are the adaptations of a river otter?

The playful North American river otter is well adapted for semi-aquatic living. The mammals have thick, protective fur to help them keep warm while swimming in cold waters. They have short legs, webbed feet for faster swimming, and a long, narrow body and flattened head for streamlined movement in the water.

What is the scientific name for a river otter?

Genus Lontra North American river otter (Lontra canadensis) Southern river otter (Lontra provocax) Neotropical river otter (Lontra longicaudis) Marine otter (Lontra felina)

How big is the home range of a river otter?

A North American river otter’s home range can be as large as 30 square miles (78 square kilometers), but a typical territory is 3 to 15 square miles (4.8 to 24 square kilometers). That home range shrinks drastically during breeding and rearing season.

What do river otters eat in North America?

The North American river otter ( Lontra canadensis) became one of the major animals hunted and trapped for fur in North America after European contact. River otters eat a variety of fish and shellfish, as well as small land mammals and birds.

What sounds do otters make when they are scared?

North American river otters can produce a snarling growl or hissing bark when bothered, and a shrill whistle when in pain. When at play or traveling, they sometimes give off low, purring grunts. The alarm call, given when shocked or distressed by potential danger, is an explosive snort, made by expelling air through the nostrils.

What are the characteristics of a river otter?

North American river otters have long whiskers, which they use to detect prey in dark or cloudy water, and clawed feet for grasping onto slippery prey. They are very flexible and can make sharp, sudden turns that help them catch fish. Their fur is dark brown over much of the body, and lighter brown on the belly and face.


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