What is the Retrodiscal tissue?

What is the Retrodiscal tissue?

The retrodiscal tissue, or posterior attachment, consists of an area of loose connective tissue that is attached to the posterior aspect of the articular disc. Its function is to counter the forward pull of the superior belly of the lateral pterygoid muscle on the articular disc.

What is Bilaminar zone in TMJ?

The retrodiscal (bilaminar) zone is located between the posterior band of the TMJ disc and the posterior portion of the TMJ capsule. The ‘bilaminar’ refers to the two posterior attachments of the disc: superior layer: elastic to allow anterior translation of the disc over the articular eminence.

What are the standard views to evaluate the temporomandibular joints?

Many different views such as the submentovertex, transmaxillary, and the transcranial are used to reduce superimposition. Ultrasound is a less expensive and easily performed imaging modality that can be used to evaluate the TMJ. This is simple way to look for the presence of a joint effusion[21].

Does TMJ show up on an xray?

Your doctor may examine your jaw to see if there is swelling or tenderness if you have symptoms of a TMJ disorder. Your doctor may also use several different imaging tests. These can include: X-rays of the jaw.

What two bony structures form the temporomandibular joint?

The temporomandibular joint is the joint between the mandible and the temporal bone of the skull.

What is the Condyloid process?

Medical Definition of condyloid process : the rounded process by which the ramus of the mandible articulates with the temporal bone.

What is Bilaminar zone?

(bī-lam’i-nar-zōn), a mass of loose connective tissue attached to the posterior edge of the articular disc of the temporomandibular joint. It extends to and fills the loose folds of the posterior joint capsule. Synonym(s): retrodiscal tissue.

What nerve Innervates the TMJ?

The muscles that act on the TMJ are innervated by the mandibular nerve (CN V), the facial nerve (CN VII), C 1, C 2 and C 3.

Does brain MRI show TMJ?

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is an excellent method for examining the temporomandibular joint (TMJ).

Will TMJ show on CT scan?

Computed tomography (CT) First used for TMJ evaluation in 1980 [24], CT is considered to be the best method for assessing osseous pathologic conditions of TMJ. It allows a multi planar reconstruction (sagittal, axial, coronal) of TMJ structures, obtaining 3D images in closed and opened-mouth positions.

What is thebilaminar zone?

bilaminar zone. (bī-lam’i-nar-zōn), a mass of loose connective tissue attached to the posterior edge of the articular disc of the temporomandibular joint. It extends to and fills the loose folds of the posterior joint capsule.

What is the superior retrodiscal lamina?

Superiorly, the retrodiscal tissue is bordered by a lamina of connective tissue that contains many elastic fibers, the superior retrodiscal lamina.

What is redirected retrodiscal tissue?

(redirected from retrodiscal tissue) (bī-lam’i-nar-zōn), a mass of loose connective tissue attached to the posterior edge of the articular disc of the temporomandibular joint. It extends to and fills the loose folds of the posterior joint capsule.

What is the retrodiscal zone of TMJ?

The retrodiscal (bilaminar) zone is located between the posterior band of the TMJ disc and the posterior portion of the TMJ capsule. The ‘bilaminar’ refers to the two posterior attachments of the disc: It also contains a small neurovascular bundle. In TMJ inflammation, the retrodiscal area is a prominant site of edema.


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