Can SUMPRODUCT return a text value?

Can SUMPRODUCT return a text value?

Although this formula is an array formula, it does not need to be entered with Control + Shift + Enter, since SUMPRODUCT handles arrays natively. Remember, this formula only works for numeric values, because SUMPRODUCT does’t handle text. If you want to retrieve text, use INDEX/MATCH + EXACT.

What does SUMPRODUCT return?

The SUMPRODUCT function returns the sum of the products of corresponding ranges or arrays. The default operation is multiplication, but addition, subtraction, and division are also possible.

Why is my SUMPRODUCT returning #value?

If one or more cells in the referenced range contains text or is formatted as a Text data type, you will get the #VALUE! error. The text could be the result of a calculation from another formula, or maybe the cell is simply not formatted correctly.

Can you sum product a VLOOKUP?

Basically, we will wrap a SUMPRODUCT function around a VLOOKUP function that returns an array of values, specifically, the related values from multiple columns. The SUMPRODUCT will sum the values in the array returned by the VLOOKUP function.

Is INDEX-match faster than Sumifs?

From a purely speed perspective LOOKUP and INDEX-MATCH (type 1) are the fastest, followed by INDEX-MATCH (type 0), with SUMIFS the slowest as it is required to scan the entire criteria range whilst the other functions stop once they find a match.

Can Xlookup return multiple values?

One more amazing feature of XLOOKUP is its ability to return more than one value relating to the same match. All is done with the standard syntax and without any extra manipulations! You enter the formula in the top-left cell of the results range, and Excel automatically spills the results into adjacent blank cells.

What is the difference between Sumif and Sumproduct?

SUMPRODUCT is more mathematical calculation-based. SUMIFS is more logic-based. SUMPRODUCT can be used to find the sum of products as well as conditional sums. SUMIFS can only find conditional sums.

Why does SUMPRODUCT return Div 0?

The error “#DIV/0” means you are trying to divide by zero. So you must have a zero somewhere in the array G4:G7.

Does SUMPRODUCT ignore text?

2 Answers. pertaining to the use of SUMPRODUCT and ISNUMBER formulae, this is what i got after testing. the double negative helps to ignore the text values (x and y), while adding an additional array helps to compute the sum correctly (without the array, the output gives 4 ).


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