How much is the tuition fee in Emilio Aguinaldo College?

How much is the tuition fee in Emilio Aguinaldo College?

Fee Structure

Year 16-months Year 1
Emilo Aguinaldo College Manila Tuition Fees (approx.) 3,47,222 Pesos 2,36,111 Pesos
Rs.5.00 lakhs Rs.3.40 lakhs
Emilo Aguinaldo College Manila Hostel Fees (approx.) Rs.10,000 Rs.10,000
Total Fees Rs.5.10 Lacs Rs.3.50 Lacs

Is Emilio Aguinaldo College a good school?

About Emilio Aguinaldo College: The atmosphere was definitely conjusive for learning. It is one of the safest colleges in the metro because it is surrounded by many headquarters. If I were to study all over again I would choose the same school. The professors are extremely friendly but strict.

What is Emilio Aguinaldo College known for?

Emilio Aguinaldo College is a private, non-sectarian, co-educational institution of learning that fosters equal and fair opportunities of education, the total development of a person, and one’s national identity while conscious of his/her role in the global community.

Who is the founder of EAC Cavite?

Formerly known as Marian College, Emilio Aguinaldo College (EAC) was founded by Dr. Paulo C. Campos in 1973.

How much is the tuition fee in EAC Manila?

MBBS in Philippines

TUITION FEE Duration Fees in PESO Fees in INR BSMD (2 years) Programme Fee 500,000.00 700,000.00 MD1 280,000.00 392,000.00 MD2 280,000.00 392,000.00 MD3 280,000.00 392,000.00 MD4 280,000.00 392,000.00 Total = 1,620,000.00 Total = 2,268,000.00

Is Emilio Aguinaldo College under CHED?

The Emilio Aguinaldo College of Medicine was established on July 23, 2001 and it has two campuses in Manila city and greater Manila. It is approved by Commission of Higher Education (CHED) Philippines. This is the heart of the administrative and commercial center of the Philippines.

Who is the owner of Emilio Aguinaldo College?

Emilio Aguinaldo College (EAC) is a private, non-sectarian institute of education located in Manila, Philippines. It runs under the management of the Yaman Lahi Foundation Incorporated.

How many campus does Arellano University have?

seven campuses
Arellano University operates seven campuses in Metro Manila.


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