What fish bears the cephalic clasper?
What fish bears the cephalic clasper?
The claspers of many shark species have spines or hooks, which may hold them in place during copulation. Male chimaeras have cephalic claspers (tenacula) on their heads, which are thought to aid in holding the female during mating.
What is the function of claspers in fish?
Claspers are located on the inner edge of the anal fins near the male’s cloaca. The function of claspers is to introduce sperm into a female shark’s body for the purpose of fertilizing her eggs. Chrondrichthyes means “cartilaginous fishes”.
What are the 3 main members of the subclass Elasmobranch?
Cartilaginous Fish Including Sharks, Rays, and Skates The term elasmobranch refers to the sharks, rays, and skates, which are cartilaginous fishes. These animals have a skeleton made of cartilage, rather than bone. These animals are collectively referred to as elasmobranchs because they are in the Class Elasmobranchii.
What is the meaning of pelvic fins bear claspers?
Pelvic fins bears clasper in males of Chondrichthytes. In males of Chondrichthyes such as sharks and rays, the pelvic fins have specialized claspers. During copulation, one clasper is inserted into the female’s cloaca. At this time, the sperm is pushed by the male’s body through a groove into the female’s body.
Why do male Artemia have claspers?
As the brine shrimp mature, they will likely notice that some of the shrimp are carrying pouches and assume that these are egg-bearing females (which is correct). The others may have large “arms” up by their heads. These are “claspers” that the male uses to hold on to the female while mating.
What are Claspers which group of fishes posses them?
Claspers are formed from the posterier portion of pelvic fins in male cartilaginous fish. They serve as intermittent organs used to channel semen into the female. s cloaca during mating.
Where are Claspers found?
Claspers are organs that found on male elasmobranchs (sharks, skates, and rays) and Holocephalans (chimaeras).
What type of fish is Elasmobranchii?
Elasmobranchii is a subclass of Chondrichthyes or cartilaginous fish. Members of this subclass are characterised by having five to seven pairs of gill clefts opening individually to the exterior, rigid dorsal fins and small placoid scales on the skin.
What are the characteristics of an elasmobranch?
The teeth are in several series; the upper jaw is not fused to the cranium, and the lower jaw is articulated with the upper. The details of this jaw anatomy vary between species, and help distinguish the different elasmobranch clades. The pelvic fins in males are modified to create claspers for the transfer of sperm.
Why are elasmobranchs a vulnerable species?
Elasmobranchs lack swim bladders, and maintain buoyancy with oil that they store in their livers. Some deep sea sharks are targeted by fisheries for this liver oil, including the school, gulper and basking sharks (pictured). All three of these species have been assessed by the IUCN as vulnerable due to overfishing.
What is the function of claspers in sharks?
Claspers are associated with ventral (pelvic) fins located near the cloaca and are used for transferring sperm to the female genital tract. In sharks, claspers are not used to grasp the female during mating as the name implies, but rather males grasp the females with their teeth during copulation.