Do Muslim women nurse in public?

Do Muslim women nurse in public?

FEEDING IN PUBLIC An important aspect of breastfeeding in Muslim cultures is the mother’s concern about her privacy and modesty when breastfeeding. Muslim mothers may worry about how they will feed in front of others without exposing their skin/breast.

Do Indian women breastfeed in public?

India has no legal statute dealing with breastfeeding. Prevalence and social acceptance vary from region to region. In rural India it is completely acceptable. Breastfeeding in public is not a norm in higher sections of society, but is quite common in the lower economic sections.

Do Muslim women have to breastfeed?

PIP: Islamic law requires mothers to breast feed their children for 2 years. the father must assist the mother in breast feeding the children by providing her with food and clothing. If the father dies or does not live at home, the heir must support the mother thereby allowing her to breast feed her infants.

What does Quran say about breastfeeding?

Breastfeeding is considered a basic right of every infant, according to the Qur’an. Quran 2:233 calls on fathers to sponsor the child’s nursing by providing food and clothing for the child’s mother for two years, although it allows for earlier weaning of the child by mutual consent of both mother and father.

Is it appropriate to breastfeed in public?

Breastfeeding in public requires women to be discrete and covered-up, so as not to expose her breast. She is also required to feed in an appropriate place to avoid discomforting others, guard against judgement, and to protect herself from the unwanted male gaze.

Why is breastfeeding in public a taboo?

Public breastfeeding is such a controversial issue all over the world, because woman’s breasts, including breastfeeding, has become sexualised. As a result, breastfeeding mothers are forced to cover up, often choosing to conform to societal norms, over nurturing and nourishing their babies in public.

Can you do Ramadan while breastfeeding?

Breastfeeding mothers are exempt from fasting during Ramadan. The fast can be made up at a later date. However, if a mother feels fasting would be manageable for her and wouldn’t affect her own or her baby’s health, she may choose to fast or do partial fasting.


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