Is Econometrica a good journal?

Is Econometrica a good journal?

Econometrica is a peer-reviewed academic journal of economics, publishing articles in many areas of economics, especially econometrics. The Econometric Society aims to attract high-quality applied work in economics for publication in Econometrica through the Frisch Medal.

Which economics journals publish book reviews?

The purpose of the Journal of Economic Literature is to help economists keep abreast of economics research. To this end, the journal publishes survey articles and essays, book reviews, annotations of new books, and a December list of current dissertations.

Is Small Business Economics A good journal?

According to the Journal Citation Reports, the journal has a 2017 impact factor of 2.852, ranking it in the top 20% of 245 journals in the category “Economics”.

What does an econometrician do?

An econometrician is an individual who uses statistics and mathematics to study, model, and predict economic principles and outcomes. They rely on statistical and other quantitative measures and mathematical formulas to produce objective results in the study of economics.

Who coined the term econometrics?

Ragnar Frisch, along with Jan Tinbergen, pioneered development of mathematical formulations of economics. He coined the term econometrics for studies in which he used statistical methods to describe economic systems.

Why are models used in economics?

Economists use models as the primary tool for explaining or making predictions about economic issues and problems. For example, an economist might try to explain what caused the Great Recession in 2008, or she might try to predict how a personal income tax cut would affect automobile purchases.

What is the REF ranking algorithm?

The ranking generated by the algorithm can be viewed as a measure of the average quality of the papers published in the journal, as judged by the REF Economics and Econometrics sub-panel, based on the outputs submitted to the REF. Research evaluations are increasingly used to inform the allocation of public research funding.

How are the rankings of economics journals determined?

There is no such thing as the correct ranking of economics journals. Instead, there is a universe of rankings, each the result of a set of subjective decisions by its constructor.

How many papers are published in the ref?

The criterion for including a journal in the ranking is that at least five papers published (or forthcoming) in the journal were submitted to the REF. Together the papers published in the resulting 96 journals constitute 82% of the 2,600 outputs submitted.

Which is the best journal to cite for Economics?

Journal Factor Adjusted citations Items All citations 1 The Quarterly Journal of Economics, Oxford University Press 128.141 314429 2467 316123 2 Journal of Economic Literature, American Economic Association 105.603 105286 985 105648 3 Econometrica, Econometric Society(also covers Econometrica, Econometric Society) 100.559 383040 3830 385139 4


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