What is the scientific name of narra tree?

What is the scientific name of narra tree?

Pterocarpus indicus
Narra/Scientific names

What is the class of narra?


What kingdom does narra belong to?


What signifies narra tree?

Narra Tree (Pterocarpus) The Philippine national tree is the sturdy and durable narra, which symbolizes the Filipino people’s indomitable spirit and strength of character. The narra tree was officially declared as a national symbol by Gen. Frank Murphy along with the sampaguita’s declaration in 1934.

What is the scientific name of Ipil Ipil?

Leucaena leucocephala
River tamarind/Scientific names

Leucaena leucocephala is a small fast-growing mimosoid tree native to southern Mexico and northern Central America (Belize and Guatemala) and is now naturalized throughout the tropics including parts of Asia. Common names include jumbay, white leadtree, river tamarind, ipil-ipil,tan tan, and white popinac.

What are the characteristics of a narra tree?

The narra reaches an average height of 25 to 35 meters, with a trunk that extends up to 2 meters in diameter. Its leaves are 12 to 22 cm long, pinnate, with 5 to 11 leaflets, and the girth is 12 to 34 meters wide. In the Philippines, Borneo, and the Malay Peninsula, the narra blooms from February to May.

What are the parts of a narra tree?

Narra is a majestic reddish hard wood tree, growing to 33 meters nigh and 2 meters in diameter with an irregular fluted trunk. Leaves are compound, pinnate, 15 to 30 centimeters long, with 7 to 11 leaflets which ovate to oblong-ovate, and 5 to 10 centimeters long.

What is narra tree known for?

Narra wood is primarily used for cabinetwork; it is usually red or rose colour, often variegated with yellow. The wood is hard and heavy, and the pattern of the grain and the colouring are hardly equaled by any other timber.

What is the characteristics of narra tree?

Narra is a graceful tree with drooping branches that toss in the trade winds. Short-lived flowers usually appear in April or May, and for a day or two the tree is a shimmering mass of fragrant yellow blooms, which then fall off nearly all at once. The curious winged fruit stays on the tree for months.

Which tree is known as Philippine National tree?

Narra is the national tree of the Philippines.

What is the common name of gliricidia Sepium?

madre de cacao
The common name madre de cacao (literally “mother of cacao” in Spanish) used in Central America and the Philippines is in reference to its traditional use as shade trees for cocoa tree plantations.

What is the scientific name of Narra tree?

Botany Of Narra Tree As already discussed, The scientific name of this tree is Pterocarpus indicus. It belongs to the Pea family (Fabaceae). The botanical classification of Narra Tree is given below:-

Do accepted common names work at all taxonomic levels?

Accepted common names usually work at all taxonomic levels. Use the scientific name or formal name if no results are obtained with the common name. Click on the desired taxon name in the results.

How tall does a Narra tree grow?

The narra reaches an average height of 25 to 35 meters, with a trunk that extends up to 2 meters in diameter. Its leaves are 12 to 22 cm long, pinnate, with 5 to 11 leaflets, and the girth is 12 to 34 meters wide. In the Philippines, Borneo, and the Malay Peninsula, the narra blooms from February to May.

What is the scientific name of Pterocarpus indicus?

Pterocarpus indicus. Pterocarpus indicus (commonly known as Amboyna wood, Malay padauk, Papua New Guinea rosewood, Philippine mahogany, Andaman redwood, Burmese rosewood, narra or Pashu padauk) is a species of Pterocarpus native to southeastern Asia, northern Australasia, and the western Pacific Ocean islands, in Cambodia,…


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