Is there an official Vulcan language?
Is there an official Vulcan language?
Golic Vulcan is one of the constructed languages of the Vulcan race from the science fiction series Star Trek. As of June of 2011, the language has no official relationship to the Star Trek franchise but used in fan-fiction and other artistic projects.
What is Vulcan script?
The Vulcan script writing is a kind of calligraphic alphabet used by an alien species in the Star Trek universe. The correspondence with the 26 letters of the Latin/English alphabet proposed on dCode is based on few reliable sources.
How do you say friend in Vulcan?
T’hy’la is an apocryphal term in Star Trek coined by Gene Roddenberry in an infamous footnote in his novelization of Star Trek: The Motion Picture; the footnote states that Spock thinks of Kirk as his t’hy’la, a Vulcan word that can mean “friend,” “brother” and “lover.”
Who created Vulcan script?
The most extensive and influential Vulcan language developed by fans in the 1960s was that of linguist Dorothy Jones Heydt. It included roots, grammatical rules and syntax, and was used in her own stories and articles, then picked up by a number of other fan authors.
How do Vulcans speak?
Only non-canonical sources have provided any Vulcans with family names, which are usually spoken of as defying attempts at both human pronunciation, especially with English-language phonemes, and human typesetting, especially with the characters of the modern Latin alphabet used for the English language.
What does Ashaya mean in Vulcan?
I’ve been trying to track down the source of the words “ashaya” (love) and “ashayam” (beloved).
What is the Vulcan kiss called?
Vulcan finger-touching was a ritualistic form of affection among Vulcans involving the index and middle fingers. It was used throughout their culture, including in public, at wedding ceremonies, and during the pon farr.
What language is Vulcan?
The Vulcan language (also known as Old Vulcan) was the language of the Vulcan people of the planet Vulcan. (TOS novelization: Star Trek: The Motion Picture) Humans were typically known to have difficulties in reproducing Vulcan speech.
What languages are in high demand for translators?
What are the types of language translators?
Language translators and interpreters normally work in what they call language pairs. Each language is given a code, for example when you are translating from English to French, your language pair would be EN<=> FR. Some of the most popular languages for translators are English, French, German, Italian and Spanish.
What does a language translator do?
Generally speaking, a translator takes materials, whether a written document or an internet site, and converts the language in question into the equivalent in the requested target. A translator may work freelance, for a translation agency, or even in-house.