What are the main features of democracy 4?

What are the main features of democracy 4?

Here are the features of Democracy in points:

  • Free, Fair and Frequent Elections.
  • Representation of Minorities.
  • Rule within the Constitutional Law.
  • Freedom of Speech, Expression and Choice.
  • Federal Rights.
  • Council Responsibility.
  • Right to Education.
  • Right to Form Association and Union.

What are the main features of a democracy?

Legal equality, political freedom and rule of law are often identified as foundational characteristics for a well-functioning democracy.

What are the four features of democracy Class 9?

Some of the major features of a democracy are:

  • The final decision making power rests with those elected by the people.
  • It must be based on a free and fair election.
  • Each adult citizen must have one vote and each vote must have one value.
  • It should rule within limits set by constitutional law and citizens’ rights.

What are the features of democracy 5?

What are the Key Features of Democracy?

  • Respect for basic human rights,
  • A multi-party political system paired with political tolerance,
  • A democratic voting system,
  • Respect for the rule of law,
  • Democratic governance, and.
  • Citizen participation.

What are the main features of democracy Class 9 Brainly?

1)Major decisions by elected representatives of the citizens. 2)Free and fair electoral competition. 3)In a democracy,each adult citizens has one vote and each vote must have one value. 5)It enhances the dignity of citizens because it is based on political equality.

What are the main features of democracy Class 10?

Some main features of democracy are:

  • It is a form of government in which the leaders are elected by the people.
  • All major decisions are made by the elected leaders who are the representatives of the people.
  • Free and fair elections are held regularly.

What are the 5 features of democracy Class 9?

Characteristics of Democracy

  • Elected representative.
  • Civil liberties.
  • Independent judiciary.
  • Organised opposition party.
  • Rule of law.
  • Citizens in a democracy have not only rights but also the responsibility to participate in the political system.

What are two features of democracy?

Democracy is the form of government in which the rulers are elected by tge people. Democracy is based on consulation. 1) In democratic countries,rulers are elected by the people. 2) The opposition parties are allowed to function freely before and after the election.

What are the five main features of democracy Class 9?

What are the 3 main features of democracy Class 9?

Complete answer:

  • In a Democracy, people have the right to vote and hence choose their representatives.
  • Democracy involves extensive debate and discussion.
  • Democracy also ensures transparency.

What are the main features of democracy Class 9 answer?

1) In a Democracy, people have the right to vote and hence choose their representatives. They have the right to participate in the decision-making process. Thus, democracy ensures a government that is accountable and responsive to the needs of its people. 2) Democracy involves extensive debate and discussion.

What is the first feature of democracy?

A democracy is based on a free and fair election where does currently in power have a fair chance of losing. c) One Person, One Vote , One Value : In a democratic country each and every adult is provided a single word which is having equal value. It means each what must have one value then that of other.


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