What does Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for?

What does Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for?

The two sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test is a nonparametric test that compares the cumulative distributions of two data sets(1,2). The KS test report the maximum difference between the two cumulative distributions, and calculates a P value from that and the sample sizes.

What is normality data?

Normality refers to a specific statistical distribution called a normal distribution, or sometimes the Gaussian distribution or bell-shaped curve. The normal distribution is a symmetrical continuous distribution defined by the mean and standard deviation of the data.

Which pair of tests is used to test for normality?

The main tests for the assessment of normality are Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S) test (7), Lilliefors corrected K-S test (7, 10), Shapiro-Wilk test (7, 10), Anderson-Darling test (7), Cramer-von Mises test (7), D’Agostino skewness test (7), Anscombe-Glynn kurtosis test (7), D’Agostino-Pearson omnibus test (7), and the …

What is the p value for normality test?

The test rejects the hypothesis of normality when the p-value is less than or equal to 0.05. Failing the normality test allows you to state with 95% confidence the data does not fit the normal distribution. Passing the normality test only allows you to state no significant departure from normality was found.

How is Kolmogorov-Smirnov test statistic calculated?

  1. Fo(X) = Observed cumulative frequency distribution of a random sample of n observations.
  2. and Fo(X)=kn = (No. of observations ≤ X)/(Total no. of observations).
  3. Fr(X) = The theoretical frequency distribution.

What is Kolmogorov’s d statistic?

Kolmogorov’s D statistic (also called the Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic) enables you to test whether the empirical distribution of data is different than a reference distribution. The reference distribution can be a probability distribution or the empirical distribution of a second sample.

What is the null hypothesis for normality test?

Normality hypothesis test. A hypothesis test formally tests if the population the sample represents is normally-distributed. The null hypothesis states that the population is normally distributed, against the alternative hypothesis that it is not normally-distributed.

Normality tests are associated to the null hypothesis that the population from which a sample is extracted follows a normal distribution. So when the p-value linked to a normality test is lower than the risk alpha, the corresponding distribution is significantly not-normal.


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