How do you deal with threatening calls?

How do you deal with threatening calls?

Threatening Call Checklist

  1. Be calm and courteous.
  2. Let the caller speak.
  3. Keep the caller on the line as long as you can.
  4. Record as much of the caller’s conversation verbatim, as possible.
  5. Notify your supervisor (or, if your supervisor is unavailable, the Executive Director) immediately.

What is a threat call?

Bomb Threats Callers threatening to detonate a bomb give a verbal warning and aim to scare the receiver, prompting them to take quick but unnecessary action. Such phone calls are usually received by the police, airport officials and government offices.

How do I report a threatening phone call?

Report Telephone Scams

  1. Report telephone scams online to the Federal Trade Commission. You can also call 1-877-382-4357 (TTY: 1-866-653-4261).
  2. Report all robocalls and unwanted telemarketing calls to the Do Not Call Registry.
  3. Report caller ID spoofing to the Federal Communications Commission.

What can I do about abusive phone calls?

If you are receiving abusive, threatening or obscene calls that are distressing to you, then you should report them to the police. TIP: For every malicious call you receive you should note down the date, time and nature of the call.

Why do people make threatening phone calls?

These calls are intended to upset you, either for revenge or to gratify the caller’s personal urges. Most can be prevented or avoided by learning and using some simple techniques to decrease your potential for victimization.

Is threatening someone over the phone a crime?

California law also makes it a crime to make criminal threats (Penal Code 422) against someone else. Making a threat in a phone call or electronic communication is one of the ways you can violate Penal Code 653m.

What components should be included in a comprehensive security policy related to a bomb threat?

In developing a bomb threat response plan, there are four general areas of consideration: (1) Planning and Preparation, (2) Receiving a Threat, (3) Evacuation, and (4) Search. Information presented under each of these four topics will assist in the preparation of an effective bomb threat plan.

What to do when you get a threatening phone call?

For serious threats, if life or property are threatened, or if calls are obscene, you should call the police and file a report. Provide as much information to law enforcement as you can. Indicate the gender of the caller and describe the caller’s voice.

How to stop harassing phone calls?

File a Complaint With Your Telephone Company. For any harassment occurring through phone calls or text messages,you should consider reporting it to your telephone company.

  • File a Restraining Order.
  • Block the Stalker.
  • Report Harassing Phone Calls to the Police.
  • What is a threatening phone call?

    Anyone can be the victim of harassing, annoying, obscene, or threatening telephone calls. These may include random calls by pranksters, calls late at night, frequent pointless calls, calls where nothing is said, obscene calls, calls from former romantic interests, or threatening phone calls.


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