What does 5DT mean?

What does 5DT mean?


Acronym Definition
5DT Fifth Dimension Technologies (specializing in virtual reality)

What does IB mean in pregnancy?

Common fertility abbreviations and acronyms

Acronym What it means
IB Implantation bleeding (slight bleeding or spotting that may happen around the time an embryo implants in your womb)
IC Internet cheapie (a cheap pregnancy test or ovulation predictor kit bought online)
ICSI Intracytoplasmic sperm injection

What is BD when trying to conceive?

BD: Baby Dance (sex) Beta: HCG pregnancy test. BFN: Big Fat Negative. BFP: Big Fat Positive.

What does DH mean on TikTok?

Summary of Key Points. “Darling Husband” is the most common definition for DH on Snapchat, WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok.

What is a BFP?

BFP – Big Fat Positive A positive pregnancy test.

What is a BFN?

If you’re trying for a baby, it’s not something you want to hear! A BFN stands for ‘big fat negative’, and it’s paired with, unsurprisingly, BFP – big fat positive. You may have also heard of the BFP pregnancy test.

What does it mean when baby is 9 weeks pregnant?

Now that you’re 9 weeks pregnant, a big name change is about to happen: your baby is now a fetus! Before this week, your baby was considered an embryo, and the fact that it’s now a fetus means that it’s getting bigger and stronger.

What does the abbreviation G stand for in pregnancy?

Terminology G= Gravida means # of Pregnancy P= Parity means # of deliveries > 20 weeks , Ptpal (T=term,preterm,abortion, live child) Term= > 37 wks,< 42 wks, or >2500 gms Preterm= 20-37 wks,>500 gms <2500gms Abortion= <20 weeks, <500gms,<25cm Post term= >42 weeks Puerperium= birth -42 days postpartum

What to do in the 9th week of pregnancy?

Stay hydrated: in addition to eating a healthy diet, drinking plenty of fluids during the day can help with headaches, dizziness, constipation, and bloating. Rest whenever possible: it’s normal to feel fatigued around the 9th week of your pregnancy. Try to sneak in some naps or relaxing moments throughout your day to keep your energy up.

Can You Feel Your Baby Bump at 9 weeks pregnant?

Although you might only be showing a bit of a baby bump by week 9 of pregnancy – or in some cases, no bump at all yet -, you can probably feel your lower belly getting firmer. This is your uterus, which is expanding to fit your growing baby and will soon become a larger baby bump.


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