How do I train for 800 meters?

How do I train for 800 meters?

800m – 5 Race Indication Workouts

  1. 2 sets of 2 x 400m (1min rest) and long recovery between sets. Add up your 2 broken 800ms and take the average.
  2. 4 x 400m (3mins rest). Average 400m time multiplied by 2.
  3. 2 sets of (4x200m) with 30sec rest between reps and long recovery between sets.

What is the average time to run 800 meters?

800-meter Run Test

Rating Time (minutes/seconds)
average 3’16” – 3’30”
above average 3’01” – 3’15”
good 2’46” – 3′
excellent 2’45” or less

How can I run 800 meters in 3 minutes?

Run your 800m.

  1. Start of the race off right. Run fast at a speed that you can maintain well.
  2. Be smart in the middle of the race.
  3. Be conscious of when you are over exerting yourself so that you have enough energy for the second acceleration at the end of the race.
  4. In the last 200m or 300m, begin to sprint at full pace.

Is 800m aerobic or anaerobic?

The 800 meter is approximately 67% anaerobic to 33% aerobic. (Freeman, p. 55) When planning your training, remember the theory of specificity. You are training your athlete to perform as close as possible to their potential.

Is the 400 or 800 harder?

400: one lap around the track. This is the longest race runners are expected to sprint, and can get especially hard if performed in heat. Probably the hardest to run physically if you’re talking about sprints. 800: two laps around the track.

What are some great 800m track workouts?

Breakdowns. Breakdown workouts are commonplace in a track and field training program designed to improve lactic acid tolerance.

  • Intervals. Interval workouts are characterized by alternating periods of work and rest and can be customized to improve aerobic and anaerobic ability.
  • Tempo.
  • Ladder.
  • How can I Win my 800m race?

    Negative Split. Running a negative split means that you run the second 400 meters faster than the first 400 meters.

  • Positive Split. To run a positive split,you’ll run the first half of the race faster than the second half.
  • Even Split. Running an even split means running the race with an even pace throughout.
  • Choosing a Strategy.
  • Is 800m race aerobic?

    The 800m race is a very fast paced endurance race that is around 50% aerobic and 50% anaerobic. When a 800m runner is training above a heart rate of around 170 bpm or 85-90% of their Vo2 max, their body’s aerobic system will no longer be able to completely supply the energy necessary to sustain that intensity or above.

    How to build endurance?

    Add Intervals. “Too often,endurance is sacrificed for simple,heavy strength training or steady-state cardio,” says Wegman.

  • Catch Some Z’s. A good night’s rest is essential to building endurance,as Wegman says,”Being well rested allows your body to work longer and harder simultaneously.”
  • Eat A Balanced Diet.
  • Don’t Stick To A Routine.
  • Is 2 minutes good for 800m?

    Breaking 2 minutes – What you need to know 1) you need to run at speeds FASTER than 60 sec/400m to break 2 minutes for 800m. So try 6 x 200m at 25-28 sec with a 200m walk. You should also incorporate even shorter runs of 60-100m and with a keen eye of a good coach!

    Why is the 800 meter so hard?

    Your brain is making calculations, and thinks you can likely keep that pace to the finish line. The 400m mentally, is just one lap. You can over ride your brains mind body connection, because your brain knows the end of pain is just around the curve, so it can hold out. Essentially, 800m is brutal because of your mind.

    What’s the fastest 800M time?


    Rank Time Athlete
    1 1:40.91 David Rudisha
    2 1:41.11 Wilson Kipketer
    3 1:41.73 Sebastian Coe
    Nijel Amos

    What’s the fastest 800m time?

    Is 2 40 A good 800m time?

    By the time you’re running varsity in high school, you should be close to 2:00 for an 800m for a “good” time!

    Should 800m runners do long runs?

    800m runners need an “aerobic base.” But this does not mean long slow running. Most coaches will take the athlete capable of running a good 400m in high school and allow them to just train for the 400m or even 200m instead of moving them up to run the 800m.

    Where was rudisha born?

    Kilgoris, Kenya
    David Rudisha/Place of birth
    David Lekuta (born on a morning, when there was a lot of wind) Rudisha was born in Kilgoris, in the neighborhood of the famous Masai Mara national park. The small town has already produced another great 800m runner: Billy Konchellah, World champion in 1987 and 1991.

    What is the best way to train for the 800m?

    Workouts that challenge your aerobic threshold for the 800m. The 800m race is a very fast paced endurance race that is roughly around 50% aerobic and 50% anaerobic. When a runner is training at a heart rate below 130-150 beats per minute (bpm) or 65% of Vo2 max, their body’s aerobic system will use fatty acids as the primary fuel source.

    What type of interval training is suitable for the 800m runner?

    Types of interval training suitable for the 800m runner: Long aerobic intervals: 65-85% of 800m pace The purpose of these intervals is to increase the Vo2 max and anaerobic threshold. This training is the aerobic support for the medium and short intervals.

    What is the fastest 800m time ever run?

    When they did drop down to the 800m they were able to run around 1:48 – the fastest on our talented team. They had exceptional middle endurance capabilities that allowed them to excel in the event. However, there are plenty of 400 / 800 type runners in the NCAA who could run closer to 1:46.5 because of exceptional speed.

    What should I do if I am an 800 meter athlete?

    IMPORTANT: If you are an 800 meter athlete and try to run these 800m workouts at a faster/slower pace, run further/shorter than the prescribed distance, and/or cut the rest short (boredom or rushing), you will change the component of the workout and no longer be training the correct energy system that your 800m workout was intended to train.


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