Who is Laurent Esso in Cameroon?

Who is Laurent Esso in Cameroon?

Laurent Esso (born August 10, 1942) is a Cameroonian politician who has held a succession of key posts under President Paul Biya since 1988.

Who is the Prime Minister of Cameroon?

Joseph NguteSince 2019
Cameroon/Prime minister

Who is the Minister of Defence in Cameroon?

Edgar Alain Mebe Ngo’o
Assumed office 2015
Personal details
Born Mebe Ngo’o Edgar Alain January 22, 1957 Sangmélima, Cameroon, Africa

Which ministry is charged with the implementation of decentralization in Cameroon?

THE MINISTRY OF DECENTRALISATION AND LOCAL DEVELOPMENT is in charge of drafting, monitoring, implementing and assessing Government policy on decentralisation and promoting local development.

Who is the Minister of Justice?

Honourable Delroy Chuck
Minister of Justice The Honourable Delroy Chuck was first elected in 1997 at the age of 47, as a Member of Parliament (MP) to represent the Constituency of North East St. Andrew.

What is the salary of the Prime Minister of Cameroon?

Member states and observers of the United Nations, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and the European Union

State Head of state (USD) Head of government (USD)
Burundi 47,300 USD (President)
Cambodia King 30,000 USD (Prime Minister)
Cameroon 620,976 USD (President)
Canada 290,000 USD (Governor-General) 260,200 USD (Prime Minister)

What is the meaning of Mindef?


Who is the Minister of Def?

The Minister for Defence is the Ghanaian government official responsible for the Ministry of Defence of Ghana and the Ghana Armed Forces. The Minister for Defence since February 2017 is the Hon. Dominic Nitiwul. He was appointed by President Nana Akufo-Addo.

How many city councils are there in Cameroon?

14 city councils
There are 374 local government councils, consisting of 360 municipal councils and 14 city councils. There are also 45 district sub-divisions within the cities.


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