What is a bureaucratic control approach?

What is a bureaucratic control approach?

Bureaucratic control is the use of rules, policies, hierarchy of authority, written documentation, reward systems, and other formal mechanisms to influence employee behavior and assess performance. Bureaucratic control can be used when behavior can be controlled with market or price mechanisms.

What are the two types of bureaucratic control?

Feedback, Concurrent Control, and Feedforward. Bureaucratic control uses formal systems to influence employee behavior and help an organization achieve its goals.

What are control approaches?

There are three control approaches regarding the mechanisms managers will use to implement controls: market control, bureaucratic control, and clan control.

Which of the following best describes bureaucratic control?

43. Which of the following best describes bureaucratic control? A. It refers to the controls that influence behavior through norms and expectations set by the organizational culture.

How does bureaucratic control differ from clan control?

In contrast to bureaucratic control, which is based on strict hierarchical mechanisms clan control depends on the individual and the group (the clan) to identify appropriate and expected work related behaviors and performance measures.

What are the 3 steps in the control process?

Basically the process of control involves three steps i.e.- (i) setting up standards (ii) performance appraisal and (iii) corrective measures.

Which of the following describes bureaucratic controls quizlet?

Which of the following best describes bureaucratic control? It involves the use of authority, policies, procedures, job descriptions, budgets, and day-to-day supervision to make sure that people act in harmony with organizational interests.

What is bureaucratic control in the workplace?

Bureaucratic Control in its current context refers to management attempting to control employee output through reward and punishment in order to ensure employee work performance and conduct matches the managers expectation and follows defined company agendas’ which are in turn dictated from above by directors.

How are the bottom layers of a bureaucracy organized?

The bottom layers of bureaucratic organizational structures are always subject to supervision and control of higher layers. This hierarchy reflects lines of bureaucratic communication and the degree of delegation and clearly lays out how powers and responsibilities are divided.

What is the bureaucratic theory of Management?

This is also known as the bureaucratic theory of management, bureaucratic management theory or the Max Weber theory. He believed bureaucracy was the most efficient way to set up an organisation, administration and organizations. Max Weber believed that Bureaucracy was a better than traditional structures.

What are the three types of power found in a bureaucracy?

In addition, in a bureaucratic organisation, selection and promotion only occur on the basis of technical qualifications. According to the bureaucratic theory of Max Weber, three types of power can be found in organizations; traditional power, charismatic power and legal power. He refers in his bureaucratic theory to the latter as a bureaucracy.


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